Since Sunday I couldn't log in to LJ or even view LJ. I thought a few hours was just normal like maintenance & all that crap but around 3-4 days?! Insane. Good thing I occupied myself with Boys Over Flowers, Artemis Fowl (& Holly Short XDDD) and MOLA hahaha... My brother just told me now apparently there's been something wrong with our internet connection. He couldn't access on the other hand. WTH?! Oh well... so I'm TRYING to catch up now. But then I'm kinda sleepy already (due to sleeping late waiting for BoF to finish downloading & watching it)...
Hoping there's no more internet problems from hereon... Hoepfully, didn't miss much?! Will talk more of BoF/BbF when I get to watch it with subs. But so far, I like it ^^; I won't compare, that's what I had in mind (comparisons) watching the 1st ep so I grew to appreciate more in the 2nd ep...ratings went up too. From 14% to 17%! Can't wait for Monday again for ep3. Nakakatawa, it's the 3rd time already but it still doesn't get old to me. I still suck up to the story LOL (read: story. let's not talk about the acting. that's why i said no comparing! hahaha)
Due to my frustration the past days I posted in xanga haha...
Monday and
And looks like it won't be Jun Jin at all in WGM.. oh gawd it's Jung Hyung Don again and unbelievably he's paired with Tae Yeon! (SNSD) what has happened to the world?! LOL poor girl! WGMs been downhill anyway... since AnBi left?! It's just one fail after another
Lastly before I fall asleep (or not XD), Twilight DVD on March 21 >.~ per Summit Entertainment! YAY and Jacob will still be Taylor Lautner in New Moon per director Chris Weitz from SM's website.