It's sooo late already but since I haven't said it here yet...
Happy NewS Year!!!
I've thought last December what I'd post for the new year but with everything that happened the past few days (and weeks too), they all seemed to with my time & energy ^o^
Anyway, 2007 was a good year... I hope, generally for most people. When I tried looking back last week, the things that made me happy recently (yep, due to the list I've been seeing on LJ)...I was like >.<" I've thought more of sad happenings than happy ones. Pathetic. But now I thought, that was just recently, ne? If I look back to the whole year, personally, there were still a lot of good things that I should be thankful for.
Maa, my LJ is basically my fangirling (and ranting?) outlet but I thought it'd be nice to have a little personal 'thank you' here to start the year. I'm sorry if I leave something/someone out. Forgive the baka in me ^^ I'll just go random here.
First off, I'd like to thank my family. Naturally, for always being there, for being the support that I need. For any activity with anyone or everyone is fun & happy with matter where we are or even if we don't have much to celebrate with. Being together is enough reason to celebrate. Personally, I feel happy and makes me forget all my worries.
My friends. I don't think I've been a good friend this year. Well, good as I set myself I should be at the start of 2007 (I think I mentioned that in my xanga). But I do thank my friends for being patient with me. Everyone, I won't elaborate anymore. Thanks for all the good times together and memories to treasure. Every activity is even more fun since I did them with you.
My babies - fufu, yusuke, kuchi, sassy, chippy. These are my gadgets LMAO Yes, if you dunno yet, they all have names. That's how & why they are so dear to me. (dangerous!) They are my personal source of happiness too. More like my fangirling source of happiness LOL They share the craziness of my own world. They make my life easier. (don't they?!)
My fandom. That says it all, haha. Do I have to elaborate? I won't name names but even if I get stressed on everything I fangirl about (LOL), they make me happy first and foremost. A happy escape from the harshness of reality. Just like my babies, they make the real-life pressure bearable.
Work. Much as I always complain, rant and all, I still am thankful that I have this source of okane/moolah. This suddenly seemed like a touchy subject, haha...and now my mind went blank. Let's just say it's not exactly my ideal work set-up (I'm not even sure what the ideal is anyway) but it helps me get by life. (and haha, I know, sustento XDDD)
Last but not the least, I thank God for this life. For the blessings I receive everyday, for giving me everything that I mentioned above. For always keeping me and my loved ones safe and healthy.
So before I get teary here (or maybe fire up because of the work-related SMS I received), I end this first post of 2008. [and will go fangirling the next one YAY...with kuchi!]
Maido Ari~