I'm starting with a rant. Our internet connection has been, once again, testing our patience >_<" It's been intermitent the past few days and it's ben hating our torrent downloads for the past week. Argh, not now, please...
And that's the reason why I'm late with my greetings. Gomen ne...
Tsukamoto Takashi-kun
I love you both! XDDD More projects to come!
And this would most probably be my last post this weeeek. My family's goin out of town tomorrow after we vote (do we really have to? naman e) and actually I'm still yet to pack my stuff and all. I just can't bear leaving without going online. Man, My life! HAHAHA XDDD
During these past few days, as every day passed, everything just gets more stressful. Things happening left and right, etc etc etc. Changes, good and bad - whichever way you want to classify it. I'm really welcoming the time off with my family, I really miss them now due to my new work sched and all.
weeeek was one of the things that made genki despite all the frustrations. Yeah, just like you Kurishi-chan
moonchild5 :) and I can't even spazz over it here the past days. Talaga nga naman ang timing ng internet e! So I just have to post these now...
yamapi85 And this too...
shunbaby I swear, I'm just dying over Shun's pictures these days XDDDDD
Lastly, Hey!Say!JUMP was in MS last Friday...
So, Yama-chan trimmed his hair...he got chubbier? I wanna pinch his cheeks LMAO
Ang Kanjani8 was there too...very interesting 'interactions' indeed... Camille
heroismine captured them perfectly, hehe...
Next weeeek, its NEWS!!! and I won't be here >.<" I'm just wishing that good ol' internet would be nice when I get back on Sun/Mon cuz I have a lot of catching up to do! I really do love November now ^___^
And I'll be off now! (Right after I queue some downloads! *pls finish in time* Robin Hood!!)