Jun 02, 2005 19:57
i dont know what it is with people like you can be bestfriends with them forever and then just oneday they decide to hate you or like u dont get along with someone and u have like the greatest conversation and then the next day its back to not likein them wats with it cant we just like who we like and stay away from people we dont like. i dont understand the i love you i hate you crap i mean yea people get bored they move on or people make mistakes and move on. or you have the perfect relations ship friend/sexual what ever if it and you dont fight i mean why do people have to fight is there some logic behind it? both people get hurt one physicly one mentaly for example gril breaks up with guy=>mental,guy makes wise crack mental and physical. lol i dont know if it makes sence but like shanes girlfriend told my brother who was on my sn to fix my computer and i told him how shane keeps call me a fat ass jew bitch and to be grammarly correct he should say you are a fat ass jewISH bitch but ill let that go because its a habbit anyways and my bro imed him and was like do u have a problem with jewish people and shane was like fuck yea i do and well not going into detail then shanes gf imed me and i didnt think she would really be that way idk if was here but thats beside the point she was like damn bitch your really gonna get your ass beat i told u not to talk to shane and i was like o shit u just dug your slef a deep whole i mean like when im not talking to shane im getting bitched at and then when i ask shane one question i get bitched at for like 3 days and i want this all just to be over so for everyones info i blocked shane so he cant lie and say i was talking to him cause im not i talked to brittany and shes really cool and i dont think she hates me anymore but im not sure i just wanna say that im sorry for thoese ive bugged in the past and sorry for thr ones in the future but i dont like fighting i find there is no point and i believe that ina year or 2 we will turn around and be like wow that was a buch of bullshit. i will be moving after 10th grade and i wont be there hen everyone looks back but i hope we can laugh about this in the future ... sorry if it makes no sence all my thoughts have been botteled for a while and i just let them all go i love you
the space between
what's wrong and right
is where you'll find me hiding, waiting for you.
the space between
your heart and mine
is the space we'll fill with time...