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Feb 22, 2005 18:33

so serrr had herself a nice 5 day weekend ;)

thursday my dad took my car to the shop; yay! stephanie & kirstin stayed the night.. nice night. big mike, scott, & catfish came over.

friday kirstin went home. me & step went to the mall for the day.. met mike jackson lil bill lil jon & fletcher there. left with them went riden around.. out to lehigh n all over. then we went to ericas house for her b.day! left there n rode around, went to the park, then came to my house for for the night.

saturday woke up & chilled. did some shit then around 11 mike n vinay came over. they didn't leave til like 3.. mikes dumbass was trippen me out.

sunday woke up & chilled. went shoppin & got new bathingsuits (: then we took my lil cuzzo on bumber boats! then later mike n vinay came overrr.

monday woke up bright n early n went to the beeach, we were supposed to meet mike up there but his flaggin ass, ugh lol. so we met kirstin & cat there.. spent the day.. got burnt the fuck up. i look like sarah lobster legs. haha.. came home n chilled for awhile. step left n i saw myself to bed.

tuesday could not sleep for shit my legs were KILLEN.. woke up when my alarm went off & told mamadukes i was nottt going to school so i went back to sleep till like 11. at 2 i went up to the school to pick step up then we just came back here.. we watched some weird ass movie, open waters? hmm.. it's almost 7 lol almost my bed time.. hah.

school tomorrow i suppose, this weeks gunna be awfully busy.. welp, cya kids.

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