Aug 08, 2007 13:49
i am going nuts. I have received no information from my college. nothing, zip, notta. I leave in 2.5 weeks and I don't know my roommate, or what I'm doing for pre-orientation, or where my room is even. I've emailed the college so many times asking when I will get everything including what is happening for orientation, and they said it went out last week. but it's wednesday of this week, and I still have nothing. I want to scream, I feel like I'm heading out there blindfolded. it's not fair, everybody else knows what's happening in their near future, but I have to be kept in the dark. I want light, I want to know who my roommate is so we can figure out what each of us should bring, if I should ship my stereo, or if they live closer and can bring theirs, or should I buy lamps (there is no overhead lighting) or will we each bring one. I fear that by the time I find out what I should bring or where I should even ship my stuff, I'll have to pay loads of fees for overnight service. God I'm getting really pissed off at my college right now.