Jun 27, 2009 23:57
Sweetie, it's been a whirlwind of a month. We've had to come to terms with the fact that we're never going to have the carefree life that we have grown so accustomed to. Give us some time, okay? We'll get there, I promise.
You just had your first month party today at the National Library; and well... you pretty much snoozed through it all. Everyone who came to see you cooed over you as you peacefully slumbered. You've got a ton of presents to open, most of which you won't recall - don't worry, we'll take the photos for you.
In this past month, you've been to a fair number of places already (no, Mommy didn't adhere to the whole confinement thing).
You've been to the park.
You've been to a host of restaurants (Jones the Grocer, Sushi Tei, Crystal Jade, Lawry's).
You've been to church.
You've been to more shopping malls than Mommy can remember.
You've had your first photoshoot done (you weren't entirely co-operative).
Your jaundice really gave us quite a scare in the initial part of the month - it peaked at 18.1, despite all the sun-tanning we put you through. Thankfully, it settled down when you were about two and a half weeks old. It really pained us to have to subject you to all the heel-prick blood tests (four in total!) and to have to even think that you may have to undergo treatment should your jaundice not subside. Thank God it did.
You've shown us that you are very much your own person already, little as you may be. You've a penchant for teddy bears, cars, animals and birds. You particularly like Bach and Mozart, much more so than Tchaikovsky. You definitely don't like pop music. You really really really like your milk. You are impatient and have a temper - you go from sleeping to screaming for your milk in under one second.
You've been the sweetest baby imaginable, with your coos and giggles. You've also been the most nightmarish of babies with your refusal to function on Singapore time.
You love rotating your legs in a cycling motion and punching the air rapidly with your little fists. Daddy was thrilled/ horrified to see you do that for almost an hour non-stop.
You've got your Grandparents wrapped around your (little) little finger. Every action you do, every sound you make elicits excited outburts from them. Grandma has been more wonderful than imaginable, basically sacrificing all her time and energy to dote on you. We do hope that you remember all this and be a good little boy growing up. You love it especially when Grandma talks to you and Grandpa sings to you. Your little giggle and bright, sunny smile never fail to brighten their day.
In any case, we're so happy to have you in our lives and can't wait to embark on the next phase of the journey together.
Daddy and Mommy