Title: The Edge
Group: Nightmare / Sendai Kamotsu
Pairing: Ruka x Sakito
Rating: R
Genre: Kinky fluff + kinky angst
Summary: Another installment in the 'Evil Sakito'
Cherish series:
Years after he graduated from being Sakito's dog, Ruka makes the resolution that he is going to date the bastard - until either his guitarist becomes a person or one of them murders the other out of sheer annoyance (whichever comes first).
So, here I am back at the Evil Sakito well! It's been several years since I wrote any Nightmare and tbh I don't know who's still out there to read it. But as they just started touring properly again, here we are: I always come back round to them, my earliest fic fandom (and no doubt they will one day be my last!). This series is my most fun, twisted iteration of this pairing, so I thought I'd finally give poor Ruka some resolution one way or the other and indulge myself by drawing the perfect S&M Sakito at the same time XD
Read The Edge here