Oct 08, 2011 23:00
It has been a good two days in the Corcoran house.
At yesterday's doctor appointment Tristyn weighed in at 5lbs 9oz -- a full 6oz over her birthweight! She has also begun waking herself (and mommy) up a half hour before her 3-hour time limit for feedings. This is a great sign that her body is registering and responding to hunger signals. I'm getting slightly less sleep than before, but that is pa
r for the course with a new baby. She is still holding her breathe when she chokes during feeding and that is something that I have a really hard time with. A couple of times she has done it until her lips turn blue. Tonight she did it the longest she's ever done it and I had to battle some feelings I haven't had since the first few days she was here. Having my sister, Nicole, on hand to talk me through it helped but I will definitely be glad when that is no longer her reflex.
Yesterday, after consulting with my sister, Bobi, and the lactation consultant I began a steady regime of cold and hot compresses (moist heat being the best), nursing/pumping as much as possible and cabbage leaves (Yup, you read that right. I've been walking around with fresh produce in my bra) to combat the mastitis. I'm happy to report that as of today I am feeling much better and my milk production has begun to pick up again. It looks as though I will be able to avoid antibiotics altogether this time around.
I'm also feeling much better in the mommy-of-two category. Don, my mom and the general sense that I don't have to do it all have been key in this process. I've been able to spend some quality cuddle/play time with Gideon and feel like we're syncing up with one another again.
I want to give a shout out to the Riley, Capetanakis and Kroft families for keeping us fed these past few days. Eating is easily forgotten nowadays and having home-cooked meals on hand makes for a much happier me.
Also, want to give a shout out to my mom for reminding me to shower this morning. Totally not kidding. Some things have just not been high on my priority list of late. ;-)