I am in New Orleans for another production job . . . I am nearing the end of Day 4 and so far, so good. I haven't gotten out much for fun yet . . . a quick (and delicious) burger the first night a bar around the block and a fun night of food, drink and music the second night. After that, it's all work and no play. Well, unless you count the cable TV in my hotel room as fun . . . which I do.
It is quite humid and fairly hot and things move muuuuuch slower here . . . that's not always a good thing.
Here are some pics of my trip thus far. Really, these were just snapped in the first two days . . . and I didn't take any of the Quarter except for the last one . . . didn't want to look too touristy.
Some of the buildings around my hotel. I was loving the architecture . . . and this is before I even went to the old part of the town.
Ooo . . . I'm artsy with my phone pictures.
This is our hotel . . .
See . . . Hampton Inn & Suites
I was treated to tickets to see Need to Breathe and David Cook at the House of Blues in the French Quarter. I tried my first mufalatta (sp?) before at a place called Napolean -- we found out the building had been the home of the mayor in 179-something. This picture is Need to Breath onstage. It's a camera phone . . . so you can't expect much.
The outside of the House of Blues in New Orleans.