hea i am chillin talkinq to maddison i havent updated in a couple of days cause i jus been blahz riqh now im sicc as hell mah throat is killinq meeh thankz to jimbo who was sicc and kissinq all up on meeh the otha niqh he qot meeh sicc the fuQa so hez qunna come ovah toniqht and jus chill for a lil bit i was supposed to spend the niqh with him but im not feelinq up to it i jus wanna relax. anyways this qirl is trippinq talkinq bout "omq imma see u carry bookz around in cosmo school" "all 3yrs at shs i nevah seen u with a book" it'z tru thouqh every yr first day of school we'd qet our bookz and id leave them in mah locker till the end of the yr and i qraduated ;]] woot im jus qood like that damn we was talkinq bout all that today and this yr is qunna be so different im not qunna be wakinq up at 6 in the morninq any more im not qunna have a homeroom no more chillen at mah lunch table or skippinq classes or qoinq into school hiqh wdf =\ lmao imma miss the fuQ outta that on some real shyt i membah this one time i went into school so blazed it was so funny man the shyt i did in school lmao omfq then this one time it was mah first yr at shs from nbhs and it was like the end of the yr niqquhz was buQin so i took ridlyn [how ever u spell it] maddison was in mah math class omfq i was straiqh buqqin i couldnt keep still i was all ovah the place jus mad hyper i was trippin heads out like crazy mannnnn that was the first and last time i took that shyt omq it buqqed meeh out so much i was like runninq down hallz and shyt smh@the shyt we did in hs imma miss that shyt -snifflez- okay enuff with that i jus hadda reminice a lil bit . woot 11 more dayz till fall river celebrates america thats like our biq ass mofo festivle for 5days mannnnnnnn all imma say is shanti will be mia them five dayz imma be down there with mah pepz chillin take mah babii down there woot ahh i dun wanna type no more mah head hurts so imma qo .
all i really want is to love u babii thats all i want
What's *Your* Sex Sign? mannn that is SO tru esp when u read everythinq bout it ;x