(no subject)

Jan 30, 2010 17:58

Okay!~ So I’m back from my 2 hours of art, 1 and a ½ hour break and the 2 hour tuition before that. >A<;; so super tired!! Seriously!! My hand is going to break off darn it!!
See? I’m so tired that I’m using excessive amounts of punctuation. And like, okay!

Proper Introduction!
Yeah… so… I decided to finally do something on LJ. An update on my boring life, for those who have nothing better to do/are interested in how my Miku cosplay is coming along.
  • cosplay
  • normal life
  • ?? ==" stuff?

Now, if you’re still unfazed, continue on… Also, if cutting doesn't work. SOMEONE TEACH ME HOW OTLOTLOTL why??!!?!?!?

Okay, I finally got past my roadblock stockings. I was looking at a page I saved for later, and I zoomed in on this picture, and I realised this amazing thing: the stockings looked awfully like real ones… dodgy much? Yes… very. So (when I get some time and money), going to look for stockings! Hopefully that’ll be the end of my problems for a while. They should cost about… I`uno… $15? Yeah, so I’ll finally get more of my Miku cosplay done.

Don’t hold your breath though.

Ugh… like, two days ago finally signed up for tuition. And god this sucks. Seriously!! My mum woke me up at 8:30 today and I was like, LATE A WHOLE FIVE MINUTES!!! And even worse, I didn’t bring a book to write in so I had to take the middle pages off the book of a person whose name I don’t even know.

That and, like, mum was saying how we should have said that we were so-and-so grade before so that I could skip. Ahhh! This sucks! It’s the worst! [yehbut I’m failing what we have now. I know, I was doing my homework while sitting in the library before art]

>.> and I’m still shading that picture from 3 weeks ago TT__T; apparently it needs to be 'perfect'. OTL And I smudged the Mukuro head that I drew on it so now I’m really annoyed/depressed.

So now, my hand hurts like epic much. (and that made no sense… I think)

>.> [otaku-corner?]
Okay! Random section calls for random things! Like, I recently got addicted to 君の知らない物語 so I think that just killed any hopes of continuing the Reborn anime XD and instead I’m going to be starting Bakemonogatari. Like, blame Gumi. Actually, Vocaloid rankings. The song name was SO addictively good n___n" and anyway… LIKE JAPANESE RICE IS REALLY YUMMY!*

Keh. Like, I nearly forgot. But there’s this awesome 8059 AMV that I’m really addicted to now (dunno why I like 8059… I think I started around the time when I read those 2 long LJ things… and joined the 8059 club and had so, so many Deviations to sort through OTZ)… um.. I don’t know which LJ post I found the link on but I can write the name for you to search in YouTube? Uh… it’s called… Love love love [8059]. SUCH AN ADDICTING SONG!!! =w= yeah… anyway, check it out!

Uh… and there’s nothing else to say, I guess. ==" But like, epic fail at updating my status…

PS. I got really addicted to Tinier Me… so if I died anywhere, BLAME IT ON TM! |D /shot.
PPS. The song 'kimi no shiranai monogatari' is like, the ending of Bakemonogatari or something. And anyway, when I said 'Gumi' I meant the Vocaloid, Megpoid, who has a cover…
PPPS. Sorry for epic length! Ah~ but thank you for reading.. Assuming you bothered… P;

♥ B

*reference from KHR doujin by Hage
PPPPS. Fail @ coding so if there’s anything wrong TOO BAD =3=
Like, just found out, getting my English writing scores back next week! We have to book , like, mum was on the phone while at work. She was kinda asking us... eh... depending on the outcome I may never write/draw again. TT^TT

life, rant, cosplay

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