May 02, 2004 07:10
well, i went to my cousins last night. i was SO mad because my grandma was taking me home at like 8:30..and we BROKE down. The car like stopped working. So, we had to walk back to her house (thank god it was only like 10 minutes away) and I realized I left my cell @ home =/ WTF!? i usually like NEVER leave the house without that thing..kinda like my lipgloss - sorda. so that kinda sux. I had NO way home & I was supposed to go to Jazzy's house to chill with whit&jazzy. so, that wasn't happening. had no way to call them or anything - so now i feel bad about that. but by the time i would've gotten home (like 9 something), Mom probably wouldn't have wanted to take me over to Jazzy's anyway =| So, I'm still here at Nanny's. And I'm waiting for Mom to come and pick me up..she said around's def 7:13. Lol. Whoa, Im so critical. But, nonetheless, last night was fun. Got a little wasted..=/ Not much though. Played PS2 and watched lots of movies. Dad was being a DiCK last night. He decided to roll into Nanny's around 11:30 last night AND he had Channon & Matt with him =/ WTF. So, I stayed in Wyatt(my cousins) room with him and his friends and avoided them the whole night. My dad came in the room & was like.."Jenn why are u being so unsociable?" I was like.."Uh..Dad, you know I don't like him, and u just HAD to bring him along." And he was all like.."U are such an unforgiving person..and bleh bleh bleh." LMFAO. Whatever..he's the one that pressed the damn charges on the boy in the first place..=/ But nah, Im not getting into that right now. So, today's Sunday..I need to catch up on missed sleep and my room is a disaster. Looks like my day is planned for meh..more later - maybe. <33 jEnN <33 ((Dan, sorry about you & Kelly..but I warned you about her..I'm here for ya <3))
aShToN KuTcHeR iS sUpEr DuPeR HoTt