May 23, 2006 19:53

The only way I can see Katharine winning is if everyone feels sorry for her that she sung like shit (excepting the second song).

Have you had sex within the past 24 hours?

Are you gay?

Do you have hairy legs?
I'm shaving tomorrow, GOSH.

Are you sick?
I ate a wee bit too much pizza, so my stomach hurts.

Do you smoke?

Do you shoot up?
Def no.

Do you like monkeys?
I used to love the bamboons at the zoo.

How many fillings do you have?
I think about 10? I have bad teeth.

Would you rather swim in the ocean or a lake?
Ocean, it's typically warmer and prettier and has beaches.

Have you ever licked one of those square batteries?
Always afraid. I'm kind of a baby.

Have you ever used an electric toothbrush as a vibrator?
Uhh, no.

Have you ever read the Bible?
Bits and pieces in CCD.

Do you think Jesus is sexy?
Uhm, no. Is it right even if I did?

Did you ever go to Sunday School?
No, it was on Saturdays.

Do you wear a lot of black?
I really do.

What pisses you off?
Money problems. Sometimes Mike. HAH!

Did you ever bring a weapon to high school?

Have you ever hugged a tree?
I don't think on purpose.

Do you know what a sphincter actually is?

What is your street address?
Asmooth's house.

Do you like to have fun?
Not one bit.

Are you a drama queen?
Hah. So to the yes.

Have you ever taken a bong hit?

Do you like mayonaise?
Yes and no.

Are you afraid to die?
A little bit, though I have a feeling I won't live a very long life. How creepy is that?

Do you like playing in leaves?
With the little kidlets, yes.

Are you horny right now?
Not particularly. My belly is full of frozen pizza and I'm watching American Idol. How hot is that?

Describe your hair?
Layered, growing out, bangs parted to my left, auburny and fading to natural dirty blonde stuff.

Do you have a car?
99 Cadillac. Anyone wanna buy it?

Have you ever bought shoes that cost more than $500.00?
I've never bought a single piece of clothing for that much. I don't think I've ever had a bill with clothes go that high. Ever.

Have you ever thrown up on somebody as an adult?

Are you an adult?
My license says so.

Do you think you have a good handle on spelling?
Surely. Most of my problems are just typos.

Ever won a spelling bee?
Never. I'd do really awesome in the qualifiers in class, then bow out on my first word when up on stage.

Do you ever eat because your depressed?
I think that's like the ..2 reason I eat.

Are you a Television addict?
A little bit yes. I download most my shows and watch on my computer, does that still count?

Do you enjoy spending time with your mother?
Mostly yes.

Have you ever had sex in a hot tub?

On a swing?

Do you like Elvis?
Sure. Not a ton, but I don't not listen.

Do you enjoy watching animals "do it" on the Discovery channel?
Not especially.

Ever been hit on at a zoo?
Nope. Haven't been in years and the last time I was there, I was with the little niece, so I probably looked like a mom.

Have you ever had sex with a total stranger?
I knew his name, does that still count?

Do you enjoy the calming effects of turkey?
Turkey tastes good, but I hate how tired I get.

Are you a sugar freak?

When you hear a knock on the door, do you think "oh shit, is that the cops?"
Never thought that. Usually it's "Oh, shit, is that Sharee?" Hahahah

Ever been arrested?

Ever commit a crime and get away with it, like O.J, did?
Nothing major. Just small kleptomania.

Do you hate anyone?
I strongly dislike plenty of people. I'm elitist like that.

Do you like orange juice?
YES. Tasty so tasty.

What sign are you?
Geminis rule the school.

Are you single?
Yessum. Are you?

Are you happy?
I'm watching Taylor sing all cute on AI, so YES.

Where do you wish you were right now?
Berlin with my German friend, having a few beers and smokes.
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