Icon by
_kiden, whose pictures are wee and AWESOME. Also, nobody can resist a MacBook. I mean, really.
In related news, OMG WWDC TOMORROW. That + fiscal '09 planning = nobody sees much of me these days. I feel like I'm doing good work, but at the same time, my non-work activities have dropped-off significantly. I have two rehearsals a week, I play bridge (yes, bridge; yes, I am 80) on Wednesdays, I have friends over on Fridays, and I go rock climbing Sunday mornings. This is actually a fairly busy life, but it has taken me some time to get over that whole college thing of overextending oneself. I do miss performing more often, though.
FRE's boyfriend is here, for WWDC purposes, and FRE is flying in next weekend, so I will get to see her! I am not sure what this means for Thanksgiving (she came here for the last two Thanksgivings), but I am just happy to have my FRE around before her thesis locks her in a closet somewhere.
There is not enough Bob/Spencer. The universe should get on that for me.