Jan 12, 2007 14:45
The heat in my office has been set way the hell too high for the past... year and a half. Because my coworker is cold. Just today, we figured out that her office is not even on the same thermostat as mine. Therefore, my office is now at a livable temperature again.
I really, really want a Wii, but can't figure out a place online that has it for list price, and I'm not about to drive all over the Bay Area until I find one in stock somewhere. Any suggestions? List price is somewhere in the $250 region, and it should come with the console, all required wires, a remote (controller), and Wii Sports. Froogle, my typical search engine, is failing me -- everywhere that has list price, I click through and they're out of stock. Of course.
Trying desperately not to slip into a funk. I need to be proactive on the job search, but my recent setback has me disappointed. Thank you all for your comments; it means a lot to me that you're following and caring about this with me. I'm also still dealing (though subconsciously) with the breakup, a month and a half ago. So much has happened in the intervening time that it feels like ages and ages, and thus I feel lame for still not being over it, but really... it was only a month and a half. I've also been really tired this past week, and I think part of it has to do with the fact that I've gone back to the gym for the first time in a month, and it's draining my energy. We also happen to be heading into the time of year where my pseudo-SAD starts acting up, so again with the needing to stop myself from slipping into a funk. I just need some good things to happen.
As a random conclusion, Ben Folds is really awesome, but Songs for Silverman is much more melancholy than Rockin' the Suburbs. I'm going to have to avoid the former album for a while.
technology at its best,
and i'm the only one,
makes the people come together