Badfic Manor Application

Nov 09, 2010 20:14

OOC Information:

Name/Alias: Purple

Age: 27

E-Mail//MSN//AIM: AIM: wonwillywonka // E-mail:

Personal LJ: purpion

IC Information:

Character Name: Toothless (Though that name can change at any time since she can't talk and say her name nor correct people when they get the gender wrong so it's easy to get some really interesting CR with this.)

Character Journal: babynightshade

Canon: How to Train Your Dragon

Point in Canon: Right at the point of capture.

Age: According to the Dragon's Compendium set forth by Gary Gygax the Great Dungeon Master of Yore....3.

Birthday: Septerber 19, In the Age of Dragons.


Sleek, very dark almost black with a blue sheen. She's around 25 feet long and has retractable teeth, hence the name Toothless was given to her. Her eyes are predominately yellow with square pupils and centered around the pupils are thin blue lines. She's a cross between catlike and doglike in nature that depicts her personality. The fins on her tail at the base and the tip help her glide through the air for speed and agility that fold back when she's in a dive. Her ear flaps move up and down to help with wind resistance but also aid her in superior hearing. She can also use them to slap with.

Abilities: Bite that can snap a person in half, claws that can gouge rock, and she can fly so fast that she's hard to see at night with a lightning breath weapon that can cause craters. She's the Ferrari of the Dragons in her class and despite her size, she's very hard to see at night and even harder to catch. She has a lightening breath that she can control with accuracy. So accurate that she can hit something the size of a cat inside its mouth. She can also concentrate it to the point of etching into rock if she saw the need. Mostly she'll just blow a ball of the brilliant blue flash.

She's intelligent, highly observant and communicates through gestures and body language. She can pick up certain skills and is smart enough to mimic. With enough patience, she could learn to communicate using pictures. (How she does this is by tearing off a branch and moves her head around to draw on the ground. Paper and pen is impossible to use.)

She also has a natural instinct to return home, like a homing beacon. In the Manor, this will more likely not happen since she can't sense it where she is. Instead, she'll keep her head down if she's trying to locate something, similar to a bat or how a dog sniffs the ground.

Personality: Toothless is very smart and has a jealous streak about her when other females are present especially when there's another male around. She's also very playful and catlike, she purrs and chirps when she's happy and she lowers her ears back when she's mad. She's highly inquisitive but also very guarded. Once she gets to know a person and understands her environment, she's very agile and uses her environment to her advantage.

Toothless has exhibited a tendency to be maternal and protects anyone that she deems as a friend once they get past their fear of her which she can smell and sense. If they trust her, she trusts them. If they hurt her, she hurts back. She picks up on subtly very quickly and has a pretty good grasp of languages and understands what people say. If she's exposed to a language long enough, she'll understand them.

She mostly picks up on body language. If Toothless feels that she's being approached by someone overconfident or too scared, she'll overwhelm them. She's pretty stubborn but not unable to be reasoned with. She's mostly playful and mischievous more than she's mean or hurtful, which she does her best to manage.

History: Toothless comes from a very feared class of dragons called the Night Fury. It was said in the Viking legends that anyone that killed a Night Fury would be the most revered Viking of them all. So, one day, the dragons were raiding the town of Berk, Hiccup used his dragon catching device and captured the dragon. She was almost perfectly camouflaged in the night but not enough to stop the net that bound her.

The following morning, Hiccup went out to search for the captured Toothless and discovered that he indeed captured the fabled Night Fury. She saw her captor and noticed his fear. Tired, alone and scared, Toothless didn't try to fight the bonds that held her firm. She watched her captor and noticed that he held the knife high. She closed her eyes and looked away as if to say, "If killing me is going to make you brave, then go ahead and do it." What surprised her was that he released her instead.

She quickly turned on him and pushed Hiccup up against a rock, growled deeply as if to say, "You're weak and spineless but you set me free and I'll let you live," or "You have no idea what you're getting yourself into boy," and with that she took off as fast as she was set free.

With one of her tail fins lost to the net, most likely torn off when she impacted to the ground by a tree as she was coming down, she was unable to fly properly and was trapped in a depression on the mountain. Hiccup had dropped his pencil and she ran off to hide, unsure what this little human was going to do.

Determined to fly but weakened from exhaustion, Toothless eventually decided that it was better to let this little human come and visit since after all...he caused her problem and she was determined to let him fix it....even if it means she'll have to cooperate while he brings her fish. In a gesture of a truce, she belched up half the fish and motioned with her eyes that he should take a bite. She even mimicked a smile. Hiccup tried to touch her and she took off to the other side of the pond and scorched the ground in a circular pattern for her bed. She was still in her, "I'm still mad at you" mode, she got a little curious when she saw Hiccup drawing in the dirt.

Being the curious dragon that she is, she yanked off a nearby branch and started making a drawing of her own....which was supposed to be Hiccup only it was a bunch of swirls. She was so proud of her artwork that if he so much as stepped on the line, she would growl but purr when she saw his foot move away. After a few moments of growls and purrs in succession, Hiccup finally got the hint that she didn't want her drawing to be defaced.

The next day, Hiccup came with lots of fish. This was just the right opportunity to see up close to see what was going on. Toothless, not liking eels at all, gurgled and growled her disapproval with a look of utter disgust. While devouring her meal of fish, she felt Hiccup messing around with her tail. She gave a slight expression of, "What are you doing?" and the moment the artificial fin was put on, she took off with Hiccup holding on for dear life.

She was able to fly for the first time since her fin was removed. The moment that Hiccup was flung off was when she crashed back down. She realized then that she needed him just as much as he needed her. It became a co dependent relationship where both benefited from each other. She needed him to fly, he needed her to gain confidence.

After several attempts, most ending in utter disaster, they finally had success. Finally she was able to fly again and this time she wasn't holding back. She was flying so fast and with determination, the line that held Hiccup to the saddle came off and she was losing control. Falling to the earth, she listened to what Hiccup said and managed to right herself and Hiccup was able to get back into the saddle. There was a price. Now that he didn't have the charts to help control the fin, they had to fly blind which was better since he wasn't over-thinking and they zipped through the course with a hitch...only this time there was a problem. The tether line was pinched closed and Toothless was forced to sneak in with her friend back to the village so he could get it off.

Seeing a sheep in the doorway of her friend's workshop, she was feeling slightly peckish and wanted some mutton. The trouble was, well, there was another human that came to the shop which really made things interesting.

Later that week, Astrid caught the two and it she started getting defensive. Toothless growled her disapproval that there was another female that had her friend's attention and proudly held up her head as if to say, "Oh no you don't." Toothless reluctantly agreed to take Astrid with her which really wasn't her idea of a good time and gave the Viking girl the ride of her life that she would never forget even against the command of her friend.

After several minutes of being zipped through a rocky slalom course, Astrid finally apologized and Toothless finally began to behave which ended as a smooth ride for the three. That evening, Astrid mentioned that Hiccup would have to slay the dragon for the test, Toothless made a rash decision and took the two to the dragon's nest. The nest was actually more like a hive. This was her way of saying, "If you're going to kill a dragon, kill this one." The king of dragons was a huge monstrosity of a beast that used the smaller dragons like slaves to bring it food while risking the lives of the smaller ones to be killed by the Vikings. It was this realization that both Astrid and Hiccup finally were able to understand why the dragons raided villages.

The day of the trials came and Toothless heard Hiccups cry when something went horribly wrong. Toothless came to her friend's aid only to be captured by the town and Hiccup branded as a traitor. She was then tied to the ship and was used as a guide to find the dragon's nest. Once her senses picked up the trail, she used her head to indicate which direction they needed to go. She knew that it was better to cooperate with the Vikings than to fight them and Vikings were the toughest creatures alive that could probably do it. She wasn't wrong.

While the battle was raging and the King of Dragons came out, Toothless was still trapped on the ship, unable to break free. A fire tore through the vessel and Toothless had nowhere to go. Hiccup finally arrived to set her free but he wasn't strong enough to break the chains. It was Stoic that in his act of bravery, set Toothless free and apologized. Toothless acknowledged this and now it was up to Hiccup and Toothless to put an end to the King's reign of terror.

The fight was so fierce that Toothless was now the one to save Hiccup since he was knocked out from the final blast that the King of Dragons made from Toothless' final blow. Everyone gathered around, including the dragons that were once used as training subjects now turned allies, to see what happened. Toothless had her wings wrapped around Hiccup, who was unconscious and injured. She listened to Stoic's apology to his son and finally revealed that Hiccup was still alive and she saved his life.

While Hiccup was in recovery, it was hard to keep Toothless out of the house. Like the loyal friend Toothless is, she remained at his side until he was ready to move again. The moment Hiccup opened his eyes, she was bounding around the house, jumping from shelves to tables, knocking over chairs in her excitement. It was time to play again and she was ready to fly.

First Person Sample: VIDEO
[A black face appears on the screen. A light sheen of fog covers the camera with large black nostrils sniffing the device now under a massive clawed foot.

A tongue with the tip split came out and licked the screen with a disapproving shake of the massive black head, one eye closed, the tongue hanging out with the other clawed foot rubbing at the face.

Soft growls and chirps came from the creature. Large yellow and blue tinted eyes with large square pupils look from the side, back to the device and again back to the side. Eyes gesturing that there was something inside that might be interesting.

With a toothless grip to pick up the device, the large black figure bounds off, the display bouncing along and the scenery whizzing by them. It was time to explore and everyone watching is now along for the ride.]

Third Person Sample: In the woods, something has gotten the dragon's attention. She hunkers down low, her haunches moving up and down like a cat about to ponce it's prey, the rustling of the bushes has gotten her attention locked on what was just beyond the treeline.

Lunch is about to be served in the form of a deer. Eyes wide, body taunt, she wasn't about to let this prey get away. Even a downed dragon is a threat and she wasn't about to call in defeat. It was fine having fish once in a while but meat was where it's at and one made a pretty sizable dinner that would last her at least a couple of days. Being a reptile, especially an over sized one, had its advantages. One good meal can last for days in the belly. Even longer to a dragon that can't fly since there's not that much energy to burn being on the ground.

With a quick launch, the deer came out. A small determined chirp and she was off running to catch it. Her tail knocked over the statue, sent Edwards topiary art uprooted and flung to the side like a tee-ball stand, rendered Jack's ship to pieces, all for the effort to catch dinner. All of Finny's hard work was uprooted, trampled and eventually rendered to mulch. Ah but it was worth it.

With a satisfied chirp, the ear flaps pulled back, its head snapped forward, severing the head of that deer, swallowing antlers and the head. Then the rest of the body was devoured in a single gulp. After dinner, it was time for a nice little nap. The sun was setting and the warmth would soon fade. In a circular pattern, the dragon scorched the ground and curled up to go to sleep.

She's seen a little gray rabbit around. He'll be a good snack for the morning. That can wait.

(Uh oh, watch out, Plot Bunny.)

Links: How to Train Your Dragon. Wikipedia reference.

Notes: Since it's said in the movie that Toothless is a "he" and without really having any subjects to study from, I said that he's a she for the sake of complete and total mess-up. There is a second movie in the making that could correct this and when it happens, I'll update it and put it up in the canon update when this correction is actually official.

badfic application

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