Aug 09, 2012 21:30
Just a bunch of things I wrote and never got around to posting.
Untitled; Zhou Mi/Sungmin, PG, 476w Peppermint and Vanilla; Donghae/Eunhyuk, PG, 378w Untitled; Siwon/Heechul, r, 407w Untitled; Henry/Amber, PG, 696w Mornings; Kyuhyun/Sungmin, PG, 554w Painted Newspapers; Zhou Mi/Sungmin, r, 815w
member: henry,
member: heechul,
member: siwon,
rating: pg,
member: zhou mi,
member: eunhyuk,
member: donghae,
member: sungmin,
member: kyuhyun,
rating: r