Title: Scent
Word Count: 116
Pairing: Yesung/Ryeowook
Rating: R
Summary: Something about Yesung's cologne seems to drive Ryeowook wild.
Drabble #1 Title: Sensation
Word Count: 133
Pairing: Eunhyuk/Donghae
Rating: R
Summary: Donghae knows how to make Hyukjae weak in the knees.
Drabble #2 Title: Body Heat
Word Count: 184
Pairing: Kyuhyun/Yesung
Rating: NC-17
Summary: The exchange of body heat between them is more than Kyuhyun can bear.
Drabble #3 Title: Words Unspoken
Word Count: 247
Pairing: Siwon/Sungmin
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Silence speaks louder than words.
Drabble #4