Title: For Reasons Unknown
fonulynRating: PG13 (vague intercourse)
Pairing: Han Geng/Zhou Mi, Kyuhyun/Zhou Mi, Heechul, short appearances from like everyone
Disclaimer: I own no one, only my dirty imagination.
Summary: Zhou Mi knew coming to Korea wouldn’t be easy. When he steps out of the aeroplane he is filled with enthusiasm, determination, worry, and a million other feelings he has no names for.
Comments: Uhm. I’m not sure what to say ;~; love me? ♥ This was born from my urges to write Gengmi but… of course I had to screw it up and make it Qmi. My life is sad. And I have a one-track mind. I’m dedicating this to
daidetre because she is almost always so patient with me. Also huge thanks to
plastictear for reading it and assuring me it’s worth sharing. I kind of feel like this is a bad time to post this, with all the stupid rumors about Geng's lawsuit but. Uhm. I started writing this like weeks ago. If not months haha.
Zhou Mi knew coming to Korea wouldn’t be easy. When he steps out of the aeroplane he is filled with enthusiasm, determination, worry, and a million other feelings he has no names for. .