Title: ...and this, too, shall pass
Rating: R
Word Count: 2232
Summary: There's a line between friendship and love that gets thinner over the course of a decade. For some people. Donghae/Kibum, Hyukjae/Donghae
Author's notes: I...need to distract myself from this disturbing trend of Super Junior members going blond and reverting to Twins-era horror. And because
_harmlessthings thinks that I can still fic on absolutely no sleep.
It’s like this: you fall in love (okay, fine, you made that up later, maybe you didn’t right then and there) and you grab onto him and decide never to let go, never to let up, never to miss a second.
He tells you that isn’t what happens. You’ve been friends since you were kids. Love didn’t just happen, you grew into it.