Oct 30, 2005 23:37
Another weekend has come and gone. I cant believe it's basically already November. Like what the hell happened to this semester? After Thanksgiving we have like a few weeks. YIKES. I dont suppose i want to be a senior. It sucks because I feel like the first two years of college were one big waste for me. I was unhappy & never had any fun. I had the shittiest roomates possible.
1. Toothless wonder. The girl who never took showers bc she thought swimming in a pool that was never emptied or cleaned was considered clean.
2. Amy - shitty roomate doesnt apply to her bc i absolutely love her.
3. "Hello, I'm pregnant. I throw up every single morning and sleep all day and cant eat anything because "i have stomach problems" and gain weight only in the area where a baby forms." Oh and by the way i had a kid.
4. Potheadslackersleepalldaymoreproblemsthanakidwhoseparentsarerelatedandgay.
5. Another pothead lazy fuck to add to the list. UGH I HATE YOU.
6. The monster i am living with now. :) lovers you.
Fantastic. Obviously I'm the luckiest person on earth. You should be jealous of my cool roomates.
You should also be jealous of the awesome car I get to drive this week. No really, be jealous. It's cooler and hotter than any car you've ever seen.
Hmmmm. I'm really trying to figure out everything with my major. I am trying to switch to communications but every time i call the lady she never answers her god forsaken phone. COOL.
I have been feeling so ridiculously shitty the past few days. I'm so run down and tired. For a few days i had a revolting headache and then my throat hurt and now my stomach is fucccked up. Even more than usual. That's a problem.
I'm complaining alot but its my journal so you can just go scrape your face on concrete.
So anyway back to my weekend because it was fantastic. Thursday me & k decided to be nice girls and drive home to s.p. to visit the wounded. We first stopped at the store to pick up some fantastic presents. We are such nice girls. Everyone should be as nice as us. Too bad they arent.
So yeah that was thursday. Friday I went home for the weekend to deal w/ my car & drop it off at the auto body place and such. At night i went out to dinner with my family and then to starbucks with k & chris for a little.
Saturday I went shopping with my MEREDITH!!! It was seriously a fanfreakingtastic day. I missed her so frigin much. It made me happy. We first went to T.J. Maxx on 22 and she found a ton of shirts and two purses, hahaha and i found something special that i am not going to mention in here. It was really exciting and made my day even more happy. Then we went to a bunch of places in town...I'm really really excited for all the new stores in our town. Its very conveinent. But it makes me spend alot of money. I have a serious shopping problem. But anyway, after the places in town, we decided to stop at the mall bc we wanted food from a place there. We ate and shopped a little more and i found something even MORE FANTASTIC and that just topped my whole day off. Like you dont even know. So i'm making a return eventually but you dont know how excited i was. We had to depart after the mall bc she went to a concert. But it was seriously an awesome day. I freaking love my mer and our shopping trips.
Saturday night i did nothingggg. I felt like hell when i got home so i slept for a few hours and then got up and did homework because I'm cool. Then got mad sick saturday night so i was up for awhile and then eventuallyo passed out again.
Sundays are horrible. YUCK. Mondays are bad too. I am so not a morning person, it's becoming a real problem. Yikes
So i think thats all i feel like saying.