Aug 11, 2004 22:05
i love shopping.
anyway.. past couple days of been hectic but fun i suppose. hung out with a bunch of diff. groups of people and all that ish. hung out with laura the other day, had people over last night, went shopping with mer and mich today. got a bunch of bra's at khols and a really cute belt. its a holographic one but it has butterflies and it says 'he gives me butterflies'. im such a dork :) now if only i could find someone who did give me butterflies....
neway we went to the mall after that and i got green cargo pants or whatever from aero. they were on sale..woo. also got a plain black longsleeve shirt to go w. them. we were gunna go to walmart but the weather was shitty so were going tommorow. i want to get a steering wheel cover amd i need other random things for school. i need to winter-ize my car for when i take it shit hole snow everyday pensy. hmm..what else.
i changed the layout of this. i like it. i also downloaded a cute icon but im not so sure where it went lol. ah well... ***who know's how to change what the comment thing says????*** let me know id greatly appreciate it.
going to westfield tommorow night with laur n christine. im excited i love all the lil boutiques and stuff.
i got my ear hole repierced today. mwhaha. i got my third one done like two years ago...and for some reason my left one closed up cuz u know thats the cool thing to do. soooo i got it done again. they did it for free, just had to buy the earring. im such a ditz, afterwards i saw the black marker dot they make and i was ilke "oh god my ear is bruised" hehe :) i know i know.
mmm thats the story of my life. :)