Hi my name is: brianna kayley
My friends call me: briee, nummy, banana, lots of other names
My birthday is: january 28, 2004
Where I live: arizona
I am looking for a(n): (ex., cute boyfriend/girlfriend, penpal, new friend for my mom) maybe a cute boyfriend, and a new friend for my mom
My favorite things are: taking baths, playing with the doggy & kitty, going outside, playing peek-a-boo
My least favorite things are: eating, napping, sleeping alone
Pacifier?: (ex., yes, no, occasionally, prefers fingers) no, not since about 3 months of age. now only sucking the left thumb while twirling mommy's hair with the right hand will do!
Diapers?: (ex., Pampers, Huggies, cloth) baby-shaped huggies, size 3 :)
Favorite Food?: (ex., Similac, breast milk, whatever mama's having) fruit, yogurt, cheese, whatever mom and dad are eating (with the occasional enfamil next step lipil because i'm not completely weaned from the bottle yet)
Other information: i figured i'd post some pics from her first birthday, since they're the most recent ones i have :)
sitting at her new tinkerbell table that was a present from my parents
she had just given her new cousin a kiss and my stupid camera took too long to take the picture
sitting in her chair about to have cake :D
we sung 'happy birthday' to her and she got scared, lol
poking the cake :D
feeding cake to my mom