Hi my name is: Kaiden
My friends call me: KJ, Bubba Bear, Punkin
My birthday is: April 22, 2004
Where I live: Near Phoenix, AZ
I am looking for a(n): (ex., cute boyfriend/girlfriend, penpal, new friend for my mom) A new friend for me AND mom!!
My favorite things are: getting into stuff I'm not supposed to be in, playing with my Daddy, cuddling with Mommy
My least favorite things are: Sitting still, being in my pack-n-play, going to bed before 10:30PM
Pacifier?: (ex., yes, no, occasionally, prefers fingers)Only at bedtime
Diapers?: (ex., Pampers, Huggies, cloth) DriBottoms from Walmart
Favorite Food?: (ex., Similac, breast milk, whatever mama's having) I like solid food the best! I drink Good Start formula, but I'll take sweet potatoes over formula ANY day!!
Other information:
Lounging in my bathrobe
Playing outside
Mommy's favorite picture of me. She says it shows my true personality.