Jan 25, 2005 15:37
Hi my name is: Gavin Michael
My friends call me: Mr. Universe, Gav, Doodie Pants
My birthday is: october 1st, 2004
Where I live: Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania
I am looking for a(n): (ex., cute boyfriend/girlfriend, penpal, new friend for my mom)
My favorite things are: My Binki,kick my legs, my swing,going for rides in the car, my dancing elmo, taking a bath, when my shirt goes over my head, flipping over, my moblie, and FOOD!! Im 27 inches and 17 pounds hehe can u tell i love food :)
My least favorite things are: Getting my nose suctioned with that snot remover thing, getting my nails cut, wearing clothes
Pacifier?: (ex., yes, no, occasionally, prefers fingers) sometimes i like my fingers now though!
Diapers?: (ex., Pampers, Huggies, cloth) mommy switches back and forth from Pampers and Huggies..i like Huggies better though cause they stretch!
Favorite Food?: (ex., Similac, breast milk, whatever mama's having) Isomil Advanced With Iron, and i just started eating Rice Cerial YUMM!!
Other information: My Mommy is a young one...only 19 years old....she enjoys POP music as do I!! She wants to go back to school in the summer when my daddy Michael who is 19 also and is my mommies boyfriend and soulmate can take care of me while shes there since he goes to school now...umm thats about it....if u want to know anything more u know where to reach me :-)