Name?: stephanie
Age?: 30
Height?: 5'5"
Pre-pregnancy weight?: Somewhere around 2 tons
Name?: Brandon
Age?: 24
Height?: 6'
Are you still together?: Married for 2 years, together for 5.
Is this your first pregnancy?: nope, clearly.
When did you find out you were pregnant?: first Wednesday of September
Was it planned?: Not at all. Quite the surprise.
What was your first reaction?: A knot in my stomach.
Who was with you when you found out?: Brandon had just gotten home.
Who was the first person you told?: Bran's mom, she was pretty excited!
How did your parents react?: my mom was surprised, but eventually happy. my dad didn't take it very well; he is concerned about some health issues that I had during my previous pregnancies.
How far along are you?: About 6 weeks.
What was your first symptom?: Heightened sense of smell, feeling extra tired in the afternoons, and being cold all the time.
What is your due date?: By my count, May 4. (May the Fourth be with you.)
Do you know the sex of the baby?: Not yet, waaaay too early.
If so, what is it?: I think I want to be surprised this time.
Have you picked out names?: name-picking is soooooo hard.
If so, what are they?: I really like the name Cato for a boy, but The Hunger Games has made it too popular. We'll see. The middle name will probably be Denise or Dennison, to honor my dad.
How much weight have you gained?: nothing really, just super bloated!
Do you have stretch marks?: plenty left over from previous pregnancies
Have you felt the baby move?: not far enough along yet
Have you heard the heartbeat?: not yet, need to make an appointment soon.
Will you keep the baby?: oh, i suppose ;-)
Home or hospital birth?: I wouldn't mind a home birth . Looking at birthing centers, tired of hospitals.
Natural or medicated birth?: I want a totally natural birth, no pain meds, no interventions.
Who will be in the delivery room with you?: Bran, Mom, MIL
Will you breastfeed?: Of course. Whenever, wherever.
Do you think you'll need a c-section?: no, thanks!!
Will you cry when you hold the baby for the first time?: I know I will :-)
What's the first thing you might say to him/her?: Happy Birthday!
Would you let someone videotape the birth? I would love to have a recording!!
Are you excited about the birth, or scared?: There is no reason to be scared. It will all work out wonderfully.
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