Loud... my ears hurt

May 28, 2005 10:21

The NIN show was okay, but I was disappointed with the setlist. I actually found myself yawning during Even Deeper... but it was a good time with the babylove and her friends. :) The Dresden Dolls were awesome! I loved the cover of War Pigs. I want to go see them Sunday with ..Trail of Dead and hear a full set. Rhi?

For Rhi and the others - here are other comments about the show:

>>I was a little disappointed with the set list. I was looking for a little less of the fragile and a little more of the classic stuff. I was hoping for something I can never have. The song I mean. As for Trent getting pissed off at the tech guy... I was kind of close and apparently when Trent's microphone went out during Gave Up, it threw him into some kind of a rage. First he threw a water bottle at the sound board people (or whatever the fuck they are) and then when the rodent who runs around switching out mics in between songs went to switch out Trent's mic, he pushed him down and literally kicked him off the stage. That sent the crowd into a frenzy. Then, the whole show came to a brief pause and Trent said they were experiencing technical difficulties. He also said he was going to kick somebody’s ass and that they hired a bunch of incompetents. Also, someone heckled Trent during Hurt yelling out for him to “just go for it” and a small fight almost broke out when someone else took offence. The crowd quickly silenced both of them. Other then that I'd say it was an average NIN concert. It felt like Fragality 3.0 - special effects. Which isn't that bad... <<

Then there was another piece that *I* missed - would have been funny to see.
>>In the middle of the Closer. Some girl, got ontop of someones shoulders and started showing off her huge fake tits. Jeordie was looking straight at her, he started laughing really hard for like 5 min. When it came time for him to sing backup "help me" he came up to the micraphone and just started laughing into it. It was fucking hilarious.<<
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