[Closed to first group] Don't lose your way, don't lose your mind.

Aug 03, 2011 00:00

It's dark and quiet and everything the carnival is not. What light exists comes from above, tiny holes through which grains of sand fall periodically as people- or shapes, at least - pass by overhead. Even though the prison in which the first victims find themselves is cool, there's a papery texture to the air that says it's a nighttime chill, the kind of cool that comes after the day bakes down into evening.

The walls are red sandstone, twelve-by-twelve square, and each of the missing is chained to one with a bone collar and a metal chain long enough to reach the center of the room. They'll all have injuries, mild to middling in severity, from being grabbed, clawed, dropped or knocked against things. Their kidnappers weren't the smartest or the most delicate hands - they were smart enough, though, to take whatever looked like a threat. Wands, utility belts, and lock picks included. All of the taken will begin to stir around the same time; their first and most obvious concern?

The fact that there's no door into their cell.
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