Sep 20, 2010 20:37
Regardless of her already figuring out the damn Leprechauns weren't the ones that whisked her away to the not-so-magical woods, Paige was still trying to figure out just what was going on. To make matters worse, she seemed to be on some sort of time-out for orbing, which wasn't helping. Exhaling, the one thing that was making this at least somewhat okay, was that she knew Chris was around there... somewhere.
So she was mostly just milling about the edges of south side of the barracks, looking around, trying to spot people that had been with her in the woods and then people that she knew. Like Chris. Where the Heck was Chris... anyway. Why hadn't he been trapped in the monsoon of horrible? Why was she still worried about the fact that her dress was dry-clean only and that did not include a freak hail storm?
[ooc: For the sake of multi-threads, I left this very much open to running into Paige at any point. I'm cool with implying knowing her first name if you were in Group Five with her. :D Otherwise, just run into her at your leisure.]
paige matthews,
chris halliwell