Murphy stands out in front of the barracks' open gates, turning Fidelacchius over in her hands as she looks out at the woods. She's just finished
putting out a call to potential first responders - and yelling at certain parties for being massive fricking idiots. Now all that's left is to wait until people show up. If they show up
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And trolling. Let's not forget trolling.
At the moment, he's currently standing on the top of the wall with his hands in his pocket. Tall things are dramatic. Also, he can make sure that he and Murphy are alone at the present moment.
"What? No one-woman-warrior Rambo action? I'm disappointed, Murphy." Okay, not really, but still.
...Also wanting to kick the ass of certain people who stayed behind.
"No, you're just putting together a game of Cowboys and Fairies. What's the response team look like? A handful of FBI bureaucrats, a few hunters, a wizard, and a partridge and a pear tree?"
He mocks out of... Compassion. And an irrational fear that Murphy's little response team might piss off the wrong person- Tempest- and make everyone die.
...It's a valid concern.
He shrugs his shoulders. "You wanna humor me for a second before you start throwing things at my head and telling me to stop bringing clouds to rain on your parade?"
There's a reason for this and it's not just Tempest- sure it's a big part of it, but he's wary of hunters in large groups- and that's all they are to him, much like monsters get grouped into little pigeonholes, even when they're not. And this place gives him plenty of cause to be worried.
She eyes him, frowning. "Why are you so against this?"
When he speaks, his tone is somewhere between annoyed and desperate, some little bit of weakness shining through. "Ever been hunted? I don't mean, big scary monster trying to make you its dinner kind of hunting, 'cause let's face it- who involved with those creeps hasn't? I mean the kind where people show up on your doorstep with wooden stakes, the kind that start things like Salem, and the Spanish Inquisition. Hell, the things that Daddy ordered when something on His green earth made things just a little less green. Sure. It starts out as a small-scale national guard and that's fine- I support that. Then a couple of guys start thinking, 'Hey, let's prevent threats from ever occurring. Let's start going out into the Woods and killing everything that even looks like it might hurt us. And that? That's when it gets bad, because ( ... )
"Where are we? Where's the barracks from here?"
He backs up slightly. "I'm not saying don't do it. Believe me, I know you won't go all Terminator. Just... be careful." He has to practically spit the words out, like this much concern and genuine worry is beyond him. Part of him is scared that Murphy might get caught in the crossfire if people get paranoid about him or even Harry- and part of him is still worried about some moron leading her on a rally against Tempest and blowing his deal.
"'Where no counsel is, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.' I hope that sounds familiar. It should."
Murphy doesn't let go, just looking up at the noose instead. "I know what you're talking about, okay? I've dealt with enough crime lords to know the kind of thinking that decides preventative killing is the least risky way to go. If I have all the fighters in one place, I can at least assess their state of mind and try to keep that kind of thing from happening. I protect people, Gabriel. It's what I do. I can't just say 'Well, something bad could happen if we do this, better not risk it' when people who get dropped here keep disappearing, getting taken by fairies, running away, I don't know what else."
She takes a deep breath and smiles crookedly. "Can you understand that?"
He stares at her for a few moments and then drops his gaze with a huffy sigh. "Like I said, I'm not saying don't do it. I'm saying be careful. They're not the only ones who need protecting here." He extricates his arm from her. "And before you start screaming about female liberation and singing Donna Summer at me, I don't mean from what's out there- you got that pretty under control." He circles back towards the way they came. "I mean from yourself."
"I'm fine, and I don't need protecting. Least of all from me." She holds out a hand. "Are we leaving now?"
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