To walk through one doorway and end out a wholly different one was not something that particularly bothered Dante. That is, unless you were planning to be somewhere else. Something he had been doing more or less all night now. Dante had just arrived and he'd about had it with this bullshit all ready. Now what. Seriously... a forest?
Blacking out and upon landing barely avoiding face-planting a tree the son of Sparda was laying face down on the ground. Born and bred a big city boy Dante didn't know that much about forests -but with a face full of it he was pretty sure this was, indeed, a damn forest. A damn suspicious forest. He lets out a mixture of an irritated grunt and a sigh and flips himself around to his back. In the corner of his vision he registers the familiar outline of
Rebellion standing askew stuck deep into the ground, a few feet from his position.
The dense forest roof above earns a glare. It looks and smells like a forest but something is not quite right. There's a silent buzz, like static, humming behind his eyes. He's definitely fallen somewhere slightly off the regular human realm or someplace influenced by other planes. Again. Maybe the Tower is being an ass again. Oh we forgot! aside from the lava basement, flooded opera and the clockwork crap we have a forest for some reason haha! His scowl deepens. He was done with this shit. And he's feeling almost hung over.too. A little more tired than usual; a little... off. It had been a long night and what a night. That could be it. Maybe.
Swinging his legs up he's on his feet. He looks around as he brushes off moss and dirt from his coat. No reality shattering to unveil a legion of demons hiding behind a false reality... No nothing. Except for a suspicious forest. Dante places one hand on his hip and reaches up to pinch his nose.
"-the hell. A forest." A pause. He throws his arms up. Fine! Forest! There better be some fucking nymphs or something! He steps over to pick Rebellion up and continues in that direction. Whichever direction that is, and wherever it may lead.
Hallo, my name is Dante and I am lost in a dark wood. The irony of it all.