Game Questions
How does my character arrive in the Wood?
Your character will simply feel a falling a sensation just as they were about to take a step towards whatever path the Wood is trying to stray them from. It’s like you tripped and fell forever and kinda blacked out halfway before the ground. When you wake up, your character will find themselves staring up at the sky above a treeline in front of an arch.
What is the Arch?
The Arch is the gateway between other worlds and the Wood. It’s broken.
So how does my character arrive in the Wood, if it’s broken?
Okay, it only goes one way - in. If you walk around the Arch - poke it, lick it, kick it... You’re not gonna get anywhere and will probably have a sore foot. It’s not recommended that you kick the Arch.
What does my character get on arrival?
They will have the clothes and whatever possessions/weapons they had on them before they arrived, plus a communicator that just magically appears on their person for some reason - it looks like an aleithometer (it’s not). The communicator has a voice/video posting function, a compass, and a tracking device where you can always find another character.
Wait! What if I don’t want my character to be found?
No problem. The tracking devices are easily disabled. They’re mostly for picking up newbies and chasing down your dumbass friends who run off into the Wood and weren’t smart enough to disable their own tracking devices.
So how do the journals work?
Through magic. Basically they are the bit of futuristic tech in the Wood, but even having video/voice functions, they still look a little archaic. Also, there are some parts of the Wood, where you might not get signal.
Like where?
Don’t worry. We’ll tell you. :3
Where will my character live?
For the first couple of in-game weeks, characters will have to live off the land. There will eventually be barracks and places for them to stay and work, but the first mission will be to find it. There will be a section about the barracks added when they’re found.
What about food?
You will have to forage your own food. And take to the hills and slaughter a deer.
What if my character is incapable of slaughtering a deer?
That’s what your new friends are for. Learn the value of teamwork, you yuppie.
But seriously... Deer?
Okay, seriously. Sometimes nice fairies will leave out food for you, free of any obligation, but if you have people who are paranoid against fairies in your group, you might have a hard time getting any.
Can my character die?
Yes. And death is permanent in the Wood, unless another character strikes of a bargain with one of the more powerful Fae- and it will be of great cost to them. Bear in mind that you cannot kill your character and expect someone to just step up and accept the price to bring them back. The death of a character and their subsequent resurrection must be talked through by both muns and the mods.
So... What about those Fae?
Check the NPC list. Those are the most important Fae you need to know, with more to be added as the game progresses.
How does magic work in the Wood?
There's a whole post on this. Go nuts. What is the Wood anyway?
Never ask that question.
But I want to kno-
How does time work?
Wibbly. Technically one day in RL = one day in game, but you can always backdate stuff. We’re not really running a tight ship unless it’s a Carnival night, which ALWAYS happen on nights with a full moon.
Yes. Carnival.
Is there an activity check?
Yes. And this will be edited when we agree on this.
Where will the majority of activity be posted?
Honestly, since the mods are big prose writers, we’d PREFER if most stuff be regulated to the logs comm, since characters will be in the same place and it’s rather silly to constantly be chatting on the journals.
Is actionspam allowed in the logs comm?
Yes, but be courteous. If the log is in prose form, don’t jump in with actionspam. If the log is actionspam, don’t jump in with prose. Like I said, we prefer prose, but we understand how some people don’t like it.
What is the acceptable format for prose logs?
Third person, present tense is our favorite, but we won’t gut you and leave your corpse for the wolves if you want to do past tense - see above about being courteous, however.
Okay, so how does the game actually work?
Like your basic video game RPG - certain areas will be unlocked with “quests” that can be taken by all the characters in the game or just a few. The more quests you go on and the more you learn and discover, the deeper you get into the plot.
So this game follows a pretty strict plot format?
No. You can shape the plot on your own, but there is an endgame involved, that the game will eventually reach when the mods feel the time is right. Also, CR will be important too. You won’t always be questing and such - it’s a game about survival and camaraderie. And possibly stabbing each other in the back. Fun!
How are quests set up?
Information posts will be provided in the OOC comm by the mods - teams will be selected on a first come, first serve basis, although if your character has been getting ALL THE QUESTS lately, you may be asked to sit out and let someone else be awesome for once.
Are the mods seriously running this like an actual tabletop?
*hides the d20*
Character Questions
What sorts of characters are allowed?
Any character from any fictional media, as well as original characters. Alternate universe versions of canon characters are also acceptable. Keep in mind that you will be asked to be extremely thorough on all alternate universe and original character apps - moreso than regular apps.
Player-based protagonist characters are also allowed (i.e. Persona, Dragon Age, etc.), so long as personality and history don't contradict concrete canon as revealed in gameplay. By the same handwave, minor characters with no discernible histories (vague mentions in books, or one episode of a show) who are basically glorified OCs will fly too.
Fandom-based original characters are also go so long as the latter is not a lynchpin of the fandom's main plotlines and have no direct interaction with the main characters. For example, a random ex-browncoat with his/her own ship from Firefly is fine; a random ex-browncoat who's always been part of or later joins Malcolm's crew aboard Serenity is not.
Real people cannot be apped. Sadly, Jon Stewart will not be doing snarky reports on the latest happenings in the Wood from the barracks via journal. However, real people in fictional contexts (John Adams from 1776, or John Wilkes Booth from Assassins) are most certainly open to be played.
Can I app a character native to the Wood?
Sadly, no. Only the mods know the secrets of the Wood.
Is there a character limit?
Officially, you may have five characters in play at once. However, even if you have less characters but we've noticed you're having problems with activity, you won't be allowed to app another until we're sure you can handle the ones you have.
Can I play more than one character from a canon?
Only if they’re not closely related. You cannot play Daryl and his other brother Daryl. For the sake of fairness (unless the series as a huge cast and spans ages like Doctor Who or Star Trek), we’ll say you can only have two characters from one fandom.
Can I bring in a character with CR/development from another game?
Nope. The point of the game is that the character is being brought in before a moment IN THEIR OWN CANON that would change their lives.
So canon points have to be pretty specific, huh?
Not exactly. If you were to app Dean Winchester, you could app him before he sells his soul to save his brother or you could app him before he ends up in Hell or you could app him before any other major turning point - the point is that the canon point needs to be a moment where, if averted, the character’s life would’ve gone in a completely different direction. It doesn’t even have to be a big thing.
What happens if my character pokes the Wood?
Bad things.
What sort of bad things?
.....Don’t poke the Wood, okay?
DAMMIT. I SAID NOT TO PO- Okay. If you poke the Wood, odds are you’re either going to get angry sprites throwing shit at your head or monsters coming to eat your face. It depends on how bad you make the Wood angry.
You wouldn’t like her when she’s angry.
Also, she might punish the entire barracks if you’re consistently dumb by doing ridiculous crap like turning everyone into animals or making everyone act like teenagers or something. She has this power.
So my character is a totally awesome powerful creature/god/human/unicorn/dogmonster. What will happen to them in the Wood?
They will be significantly depowered - the application goes into that in more detail.
What happens to dropped characters?
The Wood eats them.
Yes. Really.
Can they be picked up again by another person?
Yep. And even from a different canon point. The Wood cares not.
What if I reapp a character I've dropped? Will they remember or will it be a fresh slate?
Whichever you'd like! You can have your character go all amnesia on their friends, you can have them not remember leaving at all and wonder what's up with everyone else in their grill about it, or you can have them sloooooowly recall their prior Wood happenings. Up to you. Just no canon updates.
So we can’t canon update in this game?
What did we just say? No. The point is steering characters from a path. If they’re still following that path, then the Wood wouldn’t have a point, would she? If your character is from an ongoing canon and new information is revealed re: their history or background, you can incorporate that information as technically your character has/had always known that/been that. If it's superbly life- and/or game-changing information, the mods would like a heads-up about it, though. We like knowing things.
Does my character have to steer from that point?
Nope! That’s just what the Wood and everyone else wants.
Player Questions
Can I reserve a character?
The reserves page is
here. You don't have to reserve a character before apping them, but since we don't allow app challenges, you may want to.
When are applications accepted?
Applications open on the first of the month and close midnight of the fifteenth. Barring any apocalyptic type shenanigans, acceptances and opening events for new characters should go up some time on the fifteenth. However, mods are known to live on Helmouths, so sometimes it gets tricksy.
What is the game’s set end date?
We’ll slowly reveal that as the game draws to a close. The point is the build-up.
So OOC-ly, the players aren’t allowed to know any of the mysteries?
Nope. And the mods won’t tell you, either, so don’t ask. NO SPOILERS.
Are quests/events mandatory?
Some might be, but most things are opt-in, only. However, if we find you’re sitting out on too many major events, we might doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion and poke you gently.
So say I’m a new player and this game has been going on for awhile. How do I know what’s happened?
A summary post will be posted at the end of each month by one of the mods, detailing any changes made to the game setting and new developments plot-wise. New additions will always be added to the info pages, as well.
What if I have a problem with another player?
Take it to the player first. The mods are not your mommies.
They are your overlords.
Who the Hell is Seanan McGuire?
This lady, and our Lord and Master and Patron Saint. She inspired this RP. Also, if you go to her
songbook and pick out a pretty lyric to put at the top of your app, we’ll know you read these FAQs.
You can ask down in the comments to this post. :D One of your lovely mods will get back to you.
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