Buggering fucking hell, I hate these telly-fun things. Not even a proper amount of buttons on it or anything, how does this even w-
[The device's audio feed cuts out before the video turns on with a closeup of... An ear. What were you expecting, he thinks it's a telephone or some shite. Anyway. He pulls it back to stare at it with a disappointed
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[Sarcasm, yes, but not bitingly so. James grins before sighing and dragging a hand through his hair which. Seriously looks like it might just walk off at this point growling, it's that unruly and filled with twigs.]
Look, there were lots of loud noises, grotesque monster things, and possibly a lightsabre. I don't know. I'm not a Jedi. [The yet is implied.] It is entirely possible and expected for one to get all turned about.
...I don't know what a Jedi is.
Have you tried using the tracker on this odd device?
You... You poor, hapless, feckless thing. You must have been living under a rock - a horribly negligent rock, and. [Takes a deep breath to start explaining before stopping.] No. Wait. Too much to tell as this is quite possibly the most epic saga in the history of Mug-- Movies. Yes. Those. Anyway.
Using the whatsit on the bwuh-huh? [...Yeah, James is. Basically shaking the comm-thing like a British nanny with PMS. And yes, I'm going to hell for that description.]
This thing we are talking on. You can make it show arrows to where everyone is. Like a compass.
Aha. I see now. [Dot dot dot.] No, I don't see, never really been big on telly-fun things to begin with, and this is a bit more complicated.
I do listen to the news, sometimes. Mum and my sisters like to have the radio playing when we work around our house.
I would offer to come and show you, but I've promised quite few people I wouldn't leave the barracks. Perhaps you only need to experiment with it.
Right. I can do experimental. [And surreptitiously takes his wand out and starts jabbing it at the thing. Darn it, he will make this work. He can figure out a microwave into exploding, he can find this thing's map. Yus. :|]
[Will considers these rather strange actions.]
What are you trying o do?
[...Crap. James quickly shoves both hands behind his back and makes the most innocent face ever.]
What what?
[Will is still confused. That stick looked like the wands Fred and George had used. But why was he attempting to hide it?]
I do not think poking it will help.
...Well, you never know. It might.
Wouldn't it be simpler to just press the buttons? If that is the same kind of thing as Fred and George use, it seems like it could be rather dangerous.
I've tried pressing the buttons, and I get nothing but boops and blinking and all other nonsense an- [And as he goes to press a button just to demonstrate this lack of technological cooperation he's been getting - it turns the map on.] ...Right, it did that on purpose, just to make me look an arse. You're my witness to this, sprogling.
[Hold up.] Wait, you're talking about this thing? [Holds up his wand as he brightens because omg other wizards.] Who'd you say had one again?
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