Mar 30, 2009 05:04
Akabane uses polite/formal speech with everyone save those he feels are a waste of time and too weak for him to bother with.
He was, at one point, a field surgeon in a great war (quite probably WWII), where he believed it was his duty to try and save everyone. The loss of patients, one in particular, hit him hard and twisted his thinking from saving lives to taking them.
There are several allusions that Akabane is a resident of Babylon City, the uppermost portion of the Infinity Fortress, and it is this that gives him his advantages of speed and control over his weapon of choice. This also appears to confer on his something approaching immortality as he has appeared to age very little since the war.
Those who entertain him in some fashion or other are generally safe from his hobby until he grows bored of them.
He has no loyalty to any particular group save himself. He will, however, finish a job he has taken on if he accepts payment for it. If payment is not given at the beginning of the job, he will only continue until he has had enough entertainment to satisfy himself, even if that is before the end of the job. He will play both sides if it suits him to. And, he will step in when 'his toys' are threatened, that is, if he isn't finished playing with a particular person and someone he deems unworthy is attacking them, he will stop the attack. His desire is to beat his toys at their best.