brb adventures

Dec 19, 2008 12:23

*Before he left, Jet spent his time getting from point A to point B on his Extreme Gear. You can't kiss what you can't catch, cootie factories. Now that he has dashed off to compete with his rival and lose horribly, he's sending a quick mobile post so people don't think he's dead :V*

Wave, Storm. Forgot to mention it earlier, but I'm going to go save innocent citizens from crazy robots break crazy robots with Sonic again this sounds so lame show Sonic who's boss. Shouldn't take too long. I promise I'll be home in time for Christmas.

After the holidays, no more slacking. We're going to terrorize Ocelot the hobo-turtle Falcon's car the school.
Until then, happy holidays.

Storm mentioned wanting to go caroling, too. I'm not much of a singer, but if you guys wanna see if he's still interested, knock yourselves out.

jet and the holograms, sonic the hedgehog, wave, storm

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