Title: The Dying of the Light
Author: Greens
Feedback: Please, please, please. I live for feedback, feedback is my friend. But don't be too harsh. Although I do like constructive criticism, please remember, fanfiction writers are people too.
Pairing: Ben/Michael with an infusion of Brian.
Rating: R
Genre: Angst, Drama, H/C (sorta)
Summary: When the illusion of being young and beautiful forever is shattered, where can you turn and who can you trust?
Notes: We are in the third decade of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. More than 60 million people worldwide have become infected, including over 20 million who have already died. The majority of those newly infected today, both in the United States and abroad, are under 25. AIDS could claim up to 100 million lives worldwide by 2020 if nothing changes. At this rate, AIDS will be the worst epidemic in human history. But HIV is preventable. 1-866-344-KNOW is a 24-hour, toll-free hotline where you can get a free guide about HIV/AIDS and sexual health, be connected with the CDC's AIDS hotline for information about HIV testing in the U.S., or connect with a local Planned Parenthood clinic for other sexual health services. (from
Special Thanks: Thanks goes out to you guys over at the brianandmichael group for directing me over here so that I could share my stories. Thanks also to the actors who give us viewers characters we care about and for giving us writers a basis for inspiration. There would be no QAF if it wasn't for the actors who were daring enough to take part in this project. So thanks to all of you!
Spoilers: I really don't think there are any, but just to be safe, I'm gonna say spoilers through 307.
Warnings: Major Angst
Disclaimer: I don't own QAF or any of the QAF characters. All invented characters however are my own. I am not making any money off of this fic and am writing purely for pleasure and my general love for the show.
Michael sat in front of the comic book store, pencil tapping the top of a blank sheet of paper. The words just weren’t flowing. He couldn’t pull together a single thought, not when there was something else on his mind. Something that bothered Michael terribly, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it.
Michael leaned over, picking up the telephone and calling Brian’s loft. He let the phone line ring seven times before hanging up.
"You stupid ass," Michael said. "What the hell are you doing going back to work right after you get out of the hospital?"
Michael picked the phone back up. cradling it in his hand for a moment before dialing the agency. Again, Brian’s phone rang, clicking a machine on after the fourth ring. Michael didn’t wait for the tone, hanging up the phone.
"Where the hell are you, Brian?" Michael said. He couldn’t even begin to think. Maybe something was wrong. Maybe Brian was back in the hospital. Michael shook his head, trying to snap himself out of it. He was just being paranoid.
But, Michael did paranoid well. He couldn’t shake the feeling that something was really wrong. Standing from his seat behind the counter Michael rounded to the front of the store, turning the sign on the door from OPEN to CLOSED, grabbed his coat and exited the shop.
Brian sat in the hospital hallway, in the same seat he had sat in two and a half years ago when Justin got bashed. Two years, six months and seventeen days to be exact, be who was counting? He rested his head back against the wall, eyes shut, seeming to be in a deep thought, but in reality, hardly thinking of anything. All of a sudden, his invincibility seemed like a thing of the past. It seemed as if it never existed at all.
"Brian?" Michael said, noticing him from down the hall. Brian didn’t hear him, his mind completely tuned off. "Brian?" Michael said again, walking closer. "Bri... what is it? Are you OK?"
"Jesus, Mikey." Brian snapped out of it. "What the fuck are you doing here?"
"Looking for you," Michael took a seat beside his best friend.
Brian stood, Michael’s eyes following him with curiosity and worry. "Yeah well... you shouldn’t have bothered."
Michael was silent for a moment, turning in his seat, leaning forward, arms resting in his thighs. He watched Brian run his fingers through his hair. "What?" Michael said. Brian didn’t respond. "Brian... What?" Still nothing. "Will you open your mouth and talk to me. What’s wrong?"
"Nothing’s wrong," Brian said "Would you mind your own fucking business already?! Shit, Michael."
"Well excuse me for giving a shit," Michael said. "I called your Goddamn loft, I called your Goddamn office... Christ, Brian, I thought something happened to you!"
"Yeah, well I’m fine." Brian said. "They wanted to give me my test results."
"So your results came in. Why couldn’t they just tell you over the phone?"
"Because they enjoy being pains in my ass." Brian replied. "Now you can sit here as long as you want, but I’m going home."
Michael watched Brian walk away. He observed the way his best friend walked, no different than any other time, but there was definitely something. Something that Brian hadn’t said, something that was very obviously bothering him.
"Brian!" Michael called. "Hold up, I’ll come with you."
Brian didn’t stop. He didn’t even slow down, but did turn his head to see Michael’s pace quicken so that he could catch up.
"How’d you get here?" Brian asked.
"I took a cab." Michael said. "I figured if I tipped the guy enough..."
"Nough said." Brian shook his head.
Michael crunched up his face in disgust. "Not that kind of tip. Asshole."
Brian laughed. Now that was the Brian Kinney that Michael knew and loved. "Come on, I’ll give you a lift back to the store."
Back to the store, back to his world of Superman and Rage, a storyline that Michael couldn’t plot out if his life depended on it. Well at least with the kids in school, Michael’s customers were at a minimum during the day, leaving him time to write a little and with his lunch break.... "Shit!" Michael exclaimed very suddenly. "Lunch."
"Don’t get your cock in a knot," Brian said. "I’ll have you at the diner before Debbie has a chance to put the lemon bars on the counter." He laughed.
"Not... I promised Ben I’d meet him... Shit!"
"Right..." Brian said. "Lunch with Ben." He was silent for a moment. "I’ll bring you to the store and you can go meet him. It’s still early."
Michael looked over at Brian who now drove in silence. He wasn’t sure what to make of it. The fact that Brian still didn’t seem so keen on Michael dating Ben, or something else completely. Maybe a mixture of the two. Either way, the ride back to Liberty Avenue was a silent one.