Please welcome two new Station residents,
caelieth and
scifiman. Welcome! :)
To catch you up to speed, we currently have voting going on for the Week 38 - Galen Challenge. The Poll is located
>>here<< Since you're now members of the community you can go and vote for your favorite icons.
The Week 39 - Morden and Shadows Challenge is also currently in progress. If you're interested in entering the Challenge, you still have time since it doesn't end until Saturday, 28th July at 11:59pm Los Angeles time. The post with the screencaps and instructions for the Challenge is
>>here<< Currently there aren't many entrants, but this usually happens during the summer when everyone is busy or away on vacation. We hope you decide to give the Challenge a try :)
Finally, your names have been added to the Great Tags Post. The link to that post is located in the left-hand side bar. Whenever you decide you'd like to enter a Challenge, you can tag your post with your name. This will make it easier for people to find your icons, and helps
_happyme_ when she sets up the voting poll for the Challenge.
Again welcome to the Community, and we hope you enjoy your stay!