Day 15 - Drabble: Ranger One

Feb 15, 2016 23:41

Title: Ranger One
Fandom: Babylon 5
Disclaimer: I do not own nor do I profit from these characters.
Rating: PG
Author: Alex (
Type: 100 word Drabble
Note: 28 of 31
Summary: Susan still has fire in her.



Susan was old, so old that no one recognized her anymore. Almost everyone was gone but Delenn and Vir. She smiled to herself. Vir was emperor and a good one, too, according to all she’d heard. Delenn had retired to the home she had shared with John Sheridan.

She’d heard a report that said John Sheridan was not what history painted him as.

Bull feathers!

She rang the bell by her chair and her assistant appeared. “Get me this idiot at ISN! I have a few things to say to him!”

Her assistant smiled.

Anla’shok Na never changed at all.

contributor: alexcat, susan ivanova, fanfiction

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