Title: Pleasures of Profit
Author: Mitzi
Pairing: None.
Characters: Max Eilerson
Rating: R
Summary: Max Eilerson enjoys a moment of pleasure. His love of material manifests rather interestingly.
Notes: Thank you
littlemimm for the beta.
Disclaimer: No profit is made with this. The characters belong to JMS; I just have fun with them. :)
The smooth rock was cool under Max's touch as he steadied himself against the cliff. He knew that the scaffolding was well built, but he was also keenly aware of the height of the structure. He turned to take in the magnificent view: Ceti IV was now a barren sand covered planet, but who knew what riches lay hidden beneath the desolate surface? The fabled underground city had thus far eluded Max and his team, but he was convinced that he would find it. Eventually. Now all he needed to do was convince the Corporation to further fund his expedition. The mere thought of finding the city, intact and overflowing with treasures, was like a drug to Max, and his favourite pastime as he dusted the bas-relief on the cliff wall.
He was uncovering a massive stone face overlooking the plateau as if on guard. Considering the age of the bas-relief and how severe elements it must have been subjected to for centuries, it was in remarkably good condition. Which, to Max, gave hope that the city would also be relatively unharmed. Max moved the brush gently on the ancient rock, carved by a true artist. As he gazed upon the skilfully crafted face, Max felt a familiar rush of energy sweep through his entire body: the thrill of finding something ancient and forgotten was a feeling to which Max had yet to find an equal.
It had started as plain desire to discover what had been lost centuries ago, but it had evolved. The pleasure of finding things was still there, as an under current. Now the greatest rush came from the value of the findings - the rush was directly proportional to the value of the discovery. Max smiled to himself. He always pictured the underground city full of ancient texts, art, even useful technology, but above all he imagined precious gems and priceless metals and minerals. And it would all be his.
Max let out a soft laugh when he realised how his body reacted to his musings. His erection was now very hard and would only go away when satiated. Max turned around to see if there was anyone near the base camp or the surrounding plateau. He kept watch for a little while, yearning for a quick release, but he also wanted to be certain that no one would see what he was doing on the high scaffolding.
Finally, Max took off his gloves, opened his jacket and unzipped his trousers. He leaned against the cliff, and the rock felt chilly even through his leather jacket. Max reached down with his right hand, but the cold wind felt brutal on the delicate skin of his penis. He moved slightly, so that his back was towards the wind. His strokes were slow and gentle at first but escalated with each motion. Faster and fiercer now, he put more pressure to the base of the shaft and nearly buckled over. Max had to grab a hold of the metal railing of the scaffolding, fearing that he might fall on knees otherwise.
Close to climax, his breathing was shallow and ragged. All higher brain functions had given way to a more primitive urge, but Max managed one more cohesive thought: the amount of credits the Corporation would pay him for the underground city and its riches would be staggering. Max came with a deep low grunt. As he was leaning against the cliff again, he became aware that someone was on a lower level of the scaffolding, but he was too exhilarated to care. Max waited for his breathing to calm down and zipped up his trousers with a contented smile on his face.
Max had barely gotten his gloves back on and his tool to the bas-relief when something came crashing through the atmosphere of Ceti IV. A massive ball of fire was flying at high speed towards the distant mountains.
"Mr. Eilerson, you see that?" Sam sounded slightly anxious.
"I see it. Might be a meteor, a piece of space junk. Send Jenson up to do a fly over to check it out. We have to go that way anyway in a few days to see if we can't find that damned underground city. No reason we can't swing by to see if there isn't something of value."
"Yes, sir."
"That's the fun part about being an archeologist, Sam. The present constantly getting in the way of exploring the past. But who knows, maybe we will find something of value we can send back to the Corporation. Nothing like the occasional surprise to keep things interesting, eh Sam?"
More valuable things. What a lovely thought. Max continued his work, disregarding the rekindled desire. He was happy and satisfied, for now.