2010 08 21 - Adira Tyree

Aug 21, 2010 19:28

Picspam(s), Icons & Wallpaper, here.

The first season of Babylon 5 has a lot of episodes that you can quite easily skip during a re-watch, but one that I absolutely adore watching is 1.03: Born To The Purple. The story itself isn't overly exciting, but there are a few things in it that make it one of the most memorable episodes:
  1. Londo is happy. Joyously so!
  2. Adira Tyree is gorgeous! (but we already knew that)
  3. There's a lot of Londo & G'Kar interaction (as well as non-interaction), and those moments are always fun to watch.
Now, I could gush on about the episode, but .. meh. I'd rather concentrate on Adira!

Adira Tyree is a Centauri slave, charged by her master with the task of obtaining Londo Mollari's Purple Files. Her reward for completing her task is simple: her freedom, and the breaking of her slave contract.

During the episode we see that she truly does feel something for Londo, but it doesn't seem to be enough to over-ride her sense of self-preservation. She drugs him, betrays him and, eventually, saves him (in more ways that one, awww). Finally, Londo & Sheridan manage to release Adira from her slave contract (with G'Kar's help! Yay!), and the end of the episode is equally beautiful - Adira leaves Babylon 5 a free woman, with a promise to return to Londo.

And now, the pretties!

Babylon 5 | 1280x1024

Oh, I'm also going through and capping Babylon 5. Season 1 is almost finished here, but you'll be able to see them all using my Screencaps: Babylon 5 tag, or over at cap-that.com/b5

graphics, contributor: _snitchbitch, adira tyree, icons

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