i <3 babylon 5

Aug 17, 2007 14:09

i hadn't rewatched the final in a long time before i did this and, as always, i forgot just how important it was to me, and how much it made me cry. babylon 5 was more than a story and to me, at the very least it was a work of art. every aspect was exactly how it should have been and every character changed me, moved me or inspired me to be better.

apologies for posting this a couple of times to start with, stupidly i was working with 'rich text' and that damn function has issues with me i tell ya... anyway, i hope you enjoy me small offering during this month of remembering one of the best things that ever happened to tv.

4 teasers;

plus 20 icons and 2 wallpapers;

click for actual size 1000x700

john sheridan, g'kar, stephen franklin, delenn, contributor: sixminutesspare, lyta alexander, michael garibaldi

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