Hey guys, i bring you my third tutorial, hope you like it!
Made with photoshop cs2
we're going from this:
to this:
Follow these steps:
1. New Selective Color
reds: -100, 27, 18, 32
2.New Selective Color
reds: -100, 8, 11, -21
cyans: 100, -52 21, -58
whites: 56, -45, 20, 30
neutrals: 0, 0, -10, 0
3.New Hue/Sat
Sat: 10
4. New Channel Mixer
red: 94, -6, 8
green: 0, 96, 0
blue: -4, 10, 102
5.New Selective Color
yellows: -100, 0, 100, -1
neutrals: -20, -15, 0, -10
6.New Selective Color (last one)
reds: 22, 31, 45, 0
yellows: -41, 23, -25, 0
cyans: 100, -100, -1, 100
neutrals: 0, -2, -8, -22
7. New Fill Layer
#dfbebe luminosity at 20%
8.Duplicate your base and bring it to the top,
mode: soft light opacity: 20%
And we're done!
Other examples:
Love to see yor comments and results :)