Cross posted to MySpace because I'm lazy.

Jul 24, 2005 21:02

My slogan from the slogan generator (I'll find the link and post it at some point) is: "Sarah Just Feels Right". That rules. Don't know why, just does. It just feels right, ha ha.

I like the word nincompoop.

Anyway, the two fashionable ladies pictured above are Sarah^1 and Sarah^2 (well, Sarah^2 and Sarah^1). We had a grand time Pancake-Alley-ing it up on Friday night. There were vests on sale for a dollar at the Salvation Army, so we bought vests and old lady wigs. Good times. Dr. Hubert had to bring me my watch because I left it on the table. Sorry, Dr. Hubert, we were too busy dancing in the street at the Road Closed sign. It makes me long for high school Yma times. :(

Other than that? I feel a lot better when I'm not full of such high expectations. Sometimes I get a little inkling of what could be if circumstances were much different and I feel sad, but I try to push it away as much as possible. It could be so nice, though, I think. There are so many differences, though, that I might magnify if given such an opportunity. That's what happened in the Before Time and I think what lead to the demise (that among other things). I can't help but be jealous. It's only natural.

Speaking of natural - going to hang out with P. again soon. That was natural. We have a million important things in common. And man - he's fucking beautiful. Shame I didn't do anything - that was my own fault. Heh.

Finished Harry Potter (I took about three/four days since I didn't read it continuously) and cried for an hour or so. Now who expected THAT? Very depressing. It makes me long for the seventh book RIGHT NOW, but also makes me sad that it's the last one. Oh well.

Not too much to say. Will save it for e-mails. Now I will do the survey I stole from Cat. Yay Cat!

Oh yeah - I wish I was in the Best Buy Geek Squad. I'd be a great geek, I would.

First job: NMSU Fellowships Office. I basically did nothing. Seriously.
First screen name: SJKoRn6909. That's how cool I was.
First self-purchased CD: Hmm. I'm not really sure. I remember I got the "Twister" soundtrack with my first CD player, but it was a gift.
First funeral: Don't remember.
First piercing: Ears when I was like, 6 months old.
First credit card: Citibank? They totally hate me.
First true love: Ryan White.
First real friend: Sarah East, I guess.

Last long car ride: Hmm - I suppose when we went to Peoria. PEROOROROIIAAIAA. It's so fun to say.
Last library book checked out: Something about a wedding.
Last movie seen in theaters: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Last beverage drank: Blue Coconut slush from Sonic. FREE FROM THE BESTEST FRIEND.
Last food consumed: Chicken + rice. Sarah's 10 Minute Meal.
Last phone call: Lex called me to ask me to walk Miss Candy Pants.
Last CD played: The Shins "Chutes Too Narrow"
Last annoyance: The OTHER woman. Heh.
Last soda drink: Diet cherry vanilla cream Diet Coke.
Last Ice Cream Eaten: Coffee at the mall yesterday.
Last website visited:

I am: tasty.
I want: to work out.
I have: to work out.
I hate: having to work out. Just kidding.
I fear: midgets grabbing my feet at night.
I hear: typing + computer fans.
I see: my keys.
I search: with MSN toolbar.
I wonder: as I wander? God, I hate that song.
I regret: No Regrets, hardy har har. Please.
I love: Scott.
I always: wish.
I never: get what I want. Waah.
I am not: going to be at Jane's by 9:30.
I cry: rarely these days. I like not having drama.
I write: all the time.
I confuse: myself.

-Do you?-
Have a secret crush you haven't shared with someone? No. It's obvious.
What's your crush's name? How can a crush be secret if you haven't shared it with anyone? I pass. Okay, okay, it's Scott.
Want to get married? I'm afraid to.
Get motion sickness? Only on boats.
Think you're a health freak? Used to be.
Like thunderstorms? Not scary ones.

Number: 13
Color: green
Day: Friday.
Month: October.
Songs: As of right now? "Augustus Gloop". Heh. Danny Elfman = GENIUS.
Season: Fall.
Drink: Diet Cherry Vanilla Cream Diet Coke.

Cuddle or make-out: Spooon. (Pudding! Guacamole! Shampoo! Spoons! And soup! And soup! And soup! And soup!)
Chocolate milk or hot chocolate: Chocolate milk. Mmmmm.
Dark or white chocolate: Dark.
Vanilla or chocolate: Vanilla.

-In the last 24 hours, have you:-
Cried: Kind of.
Helped someone: Not really. I guess I helped the Sprint lady by not being an asshole and throwing my phone like that scary man.
Bought something: A cute brown skirt.
Been sick: No.
Gone to the movies: Nope.
Said I love you: To my mommy.
Written a real letter: I drew Sarah^2 some pictures.
Talked to an ex: Never. :P
Missed an ex: Always.
Written in a journal: No.
Had a serious talk: I'm not very serious.
Missed someone: Mr. James MacAvoy.
Bugged someone: Scott. He bit me.
Fought with your parents: Nope. They bought me lunch.
Fought with a friend: No. She gave me a free slushie.

-Would you ever?-
Bungee jump: No.
Kill someone: Never.
Kiss someone of the same sex: Done it. I'm just waiting for Monique. Heh.
Parachute from a plane: Nooo.
Walk on hot coals: I guess. Sorry, I've never really thought of it.
Go out with someone for their looks alone: Yep.
Be a vegetarian: Never never never.
Sing karaoke: Sure.
Run a red light: Not on purpose.
Be on Survivor: Maybe.
Make someone cry: Maybe. ;)
Date someone more than 10 years older than you: Probably. Far more maturity than say, boys born three months before me.
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