Apr 29, 2008 17:12
First, the caveat: I am not some gun-toting' nutball who is worried the zombies are going to attack and I need to build a bunker.
You know who you are :)
Still, it was a jolt today to be at the Cash and Carry, and realize that due to the media hype about the lack of rice in other countries, there wasn't a SINGLE GRAIN of any type of rice in the entire food-service facility. Nada. Zilch.
There was a small group of sober faced people shuffling around that area, asking about future availability. They looked really confused--not pissed off, just puzzled.
I think a great deal about sustainability, and the future my children are inheriting. I've decided that I want them to know where meat comes from, and how to raise their own food. We've been slowly working on our mini farm, planting and pruning and hatching and canning, etc. I look at the fragility of the distribution network for most of our food, and I am very motivated to grow as much of my own as I can. I keep thinking about people who don't have wells, or the space or knowledge to raise or store their own food. What happens to them if some part of the infrastructure breaks down?
It has been awhile since I've had a serious drive toward a social issue. but looking at what is happening around the world to food prices, and how it has started to hit home, on one simple staple item, definitely gives me motivation to not only get my own storehouse in order, but to see what I can do to help.
Do you think about emergency preparedness? (I'm not talking about condoms....)
Are you taking any steps toward preparedness?
Just curious what my friends are thinking about. I'm going to be starting a new site for people interested in minifarms, whether it is acreage or turning their lawn into a garden.
Let me know what you think, please.