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Mar 01, 2006 01:49

i think i have a dissertation in the making, why people are dousches but are too blind to see... hahaha this could be amusing

So we all know im a psychology major, i have been studyin psychology now for a good 4 years, right? right... and its pretty common knowledge that although psychology is a vast field with many specialized areas, that for the most part we are somewhat dealing with human behavior, and sorta the why we do what we do type thing. So now we are all on the same page about this. Obviously its a bit more complicated then that, but without making some of you look foolish for ever doubting my abilities, i will just leave the scientific definition in the bag... for now.

Now, behavior... my theory on it, as well as most others... is that is fairly predictable. So i can sit here and say with confidence that when a couple of you read this, you will have a field day talking to one another about how i was talking shit (in my own journal, God forbid)... and i say this with confidence because talking about others is typically what makes your lives go round, i mean living your OWN life, would clearly be out of the question. So, you can have a field day with this. Now dont get angry, i am only the messenger, this is me doing my job, giving candid feedback about your behavior and help you see yourself as others see you. You tend to live your life going around saying the world owes you a living. Oopsy wrong again, the world owes you nothing. It was here first.

I would like to bring the loving-kindness maxim, or the golden rule into this now... for those of you who arent up on the terminology that would be the one that goes a little something like this "Do to other as thou wouldst they should do to thee, and do to none other but as thou wouldst be done to."...sound familiar? It should. Although the majority of people I encounter frequently (not by choice, I could think of better circumstances I would rather be involved in) forget about this concept. I can’t count how many times one person, or another has verbally complained, and bitched, and was “hurt”, “upset”, “didn’t feel worthy enough”, based on another persons ohhh I dunno, away message, livejournal entry, lack of phone call-I think this is what we refer to as, “actions”.. so now we are all up on the terminology. The point (I know finally, but some people are just slow on the uptake) im getting to with all of this is that somewhere along the way someone(s) have conveniently forgot the things that hurt them along the road of life, but turn it around and do it “onto others”… Life isn’t fair, but you don’t have to be a dick. I’ve killed bitches for less. (right lizzie? Lol)

Time to grow up kids. Bout that time eh chap? Right-o! Consider this your welcome to the real world.

Oh yeah, and lolo and I are spending spring break together!!! Doing exciting things… but I wouldn’t want to give all the surprises away, people would end up jealous. He also put his vote in for us going to Houston together next year, sounds like a plan to me :o) Well that’s all for now… toodles :o)
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