* * O p t i o n a l * *

Dec 18, 2002 16:42

Full Birth Name: Kristen Victoria
02. Hair Colour: brown
03. Eye Color: grey
04. Height Currently: 5'7"
05. Glasses/contacts: in need of both
06. Birthdate: february 28th 1986
07. StarSign: pisces
08. Siblings: 2 sisters, tracy and erin
09. Siblings Age: 21 and 19
10. Location: north bay ontario
11. College Plans: fucked
12. Any Piercing: two in one ear, one in the other. Im gettin my belly button done though...
13. Any Tattoos: nope

01. Best Friends: Jessica and Kristin
02. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: I dont have a boyfriend, im just seeing someone.. and i am not gonna have a boyfriend for like.. ever EVER EVER
03. Current Crush: Everyone
04. Hobbies: internet, computer, mall, driving
05. Favorite Place to hang out: mall, friends houses, bowling alley!, any car...
07. What Type Automobile Do You Drive: I WILL be driving a 2002 Chevy TrailBlazer
08. Are You Timely Or Always Late: Meh.. depends..
09. Do You Have A Job: nope..
10. Do You Like Being Around People: Depends who and what i am doin... and what kinda mood i am in!

01. Have you ever loved someone you had no chance with: Yes...
02. Have You Ever Cried Over Something Someone of The Opposite Sex Did: Yes
03. Do You Have A "Type" Of Person You Always Go After: Nope I dont...
04. Want Someone You Don't Have Right Now: Yep.. and I'll never have that person, so i got over it.
05. Ever Liked a close Guy/Girl Friend: Yeah...
06. Are You Lonely Right Now: in a way yes..
07. Ever Afraid You'll Never Get Married: Not afraid..
08. Do You Want To Get Married: I prolly dont wanna get married.. I guess it depends..
09. Do You Want Kids: Yep.. I want one or two..

+Who Do You Think Of When you Hear These Names:
Shawn/Sean: blah
Steve: STEVIE!! ahahah my buddy steve.
Pat: PATTYCAKES!! Pat from UAT
Bobby: Jens Step dad! haha
Jessica: my Best friend!!!!
Elizabeth: Kristins middle name

01. Room In house: The bathroom.. I like sittin on the floor
02. Type of music: alot of it
03. Song: Dont Take the Girl-Tim Magraw
04. Memory: July and August 2002... The best time of my life.. *cries*
05. Day Of The Week: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
06. Colour: black red and blue
07. Perfume Or Cologne: glo by j-lo(ladies), cologne-adidas moves, the stuff adrien wore.. I dont remember what it was called...
08. Flower: daisies, white roses, pink roses
09. Month: july and august
10. Season: summer
11. Place to be kissed: ummm the top of my head.. or my forehead..
12. Location for dates: I've never been on a date.. so I cant really say!

01. Cried: Nope
02. Bought Something: YES! haha
03. Gotten Sick: Nope
04. Sang: Yes
05. Said I Love You: haha Yes... but it didnt mean anything.. because it was to Jeffers
06. Wanted To Tell Someone You Loved them, But Didn't: Nope, cuz technically I dont love anyone
07. Met Someone New: Ummm.. nope
08. Moved On: Yes
09. Talked To Someone: Yes
10. Had A Serious Talk: No
11. Missed Someone: God yes
12. Hugged Someone: Yeppers
13. Kissed Someone: Nope! God no.. eww
14. Fought With Your Parents: holy shit..NO!
15. Dreamed About Someone You Can't Be With: yes
16. Had a lot of sleep: No...
17. Wanted This Survey To Be Over: NO I like it..
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