Jan 30, 2006 21:00
Dear friend and reader,
PLEASE RESPOND to this entry. I need help deciding what to do with my life and I would really appreciate your comments. With the second semester of my sophomore year well on it's way, thoughts turn more and more toward questions of my future. And right now I have no idea what I should do with mine. I've become annoyingly indecisive and aimless in my old age. SO PLEASE HELP.
I'm looking for hope, direction, ideas, etc.
And I'm curious to know what others think I should pursue.
So please respond when you have the time. Or, just write anything now!
What major and/or career can you see me having that 1)I might be good at 2) I might enjoy and 3) might be at least somewhat marketable??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Any and all serious comments are encouraged. My future may depend on this. Something to think to yourself: "What do I see Sarah doing 20 years from now?"
I really want everyone I know to answer this. I hope everyone on my friend's page who has known me for a while and knows me pretty well will answer.
I might continue to post this entry repeatedly.
Also, please take this seriously. It's really been bothering me.
Thank you for your time and thoughts,