Eridan: Post stats and permissions

Nov 01, 2010 17:07

Name: Eridan Ampora
Online Handle: caligulasAquarium [CA]
Official Title: Prince of Hope
Unofficial Title: Prince Eridan Seafoam Barnaclebait McKelpdiver Grumpygills Ampora, Count of the Duchy of Seadipshit and Admiral of Her Royal Dampness' Navy Fleet.

Age: 6 Alternian Solar Sweeps (13 Earth years)
Height: Somewhat tall for his age
Weight: Skinny
Blood: Purple

Medical Info: Is an alien troll, wtf biology. Healthy.
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: Black w/ purple highlight
Physical traits: Jagged horns, grey skin, fangs. A somewhat weird outfit.

What's Okay To Mention Around Him: Anything. Homestuck does tend to dance with the walls quartic.
Abilities: Well, compared to some of the others, not much. He's good with Ahab's Crosshairs, a harpoon-gun-shaped rifle-like device that shoots lightning-lazers. No, really.  And he's a sort of mutant sea dweller, so he can live underwater. Breathe, eat, fight, chat on irc. Just about anything bar drinking TaB. That would be silly.
EDIT: Now comes in Noble Magician of Pure Light flavor! So yeah, magic, to use the simplest term.
Notes for the Psychics/Magically or Spiritually sensitive: Don't delve into the deep subconscious. Given the very nature of troll society, down there is kinda screwed across the entire species. Probably.

Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Sure. You may not want to, he may interpret it the wrong way.
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: See above.
Maim/Murder/Death: Ask.
Cooking: Probably, given he lived on his own his entire life save for his Lusus (a flying seahorse in this case). Unlikely, given the contents of his fridge.
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