Nov 22, 2009 04:15
Hello good morning how you do? What makes your rising sun so knew?
I want to post this for myself just so I can remember this night and one day stumble upon this entry and smile.
+It was just another BCF night. Apples to Apples - which is always insanity and full of inappropriate commentary. Thas how we roll. ;)
+Towards the end we decide to play the m&m ice breaker game but we didn't have m&m's so we used a deck of cards instead. Each suit and the face cards had a category. They were:
Random Fact
Embarrassing or Awkward moment
Fear, Pet Peeve or Habit
Dreams (as in while sleeping or wish-list)
And the face cards were Truth or Dare.
+Truth or Dare cards turned out to be the best. There was one dare that involved Patrick doing his thang to Beyonce's Single Ladies, that was funny. But the truths all turned into really sweet ones because when I pulled a truth Patrick had me pick a quality in each of the 3 guys of the room that I like, that I would want in my own guy even. And as other people pulled Truth's we repeated that question, so 2 of the guys ended up doing the same for the girls as well.
Obviously everyone heard nice things but after this week it was just so nice and encouraging to relax with good friends and have people say sweet things to you just with an honest pure intention. Patrick said we were all beautiful girls (he's charming that way) but specifically said to me that I "took the cake" of the 3 in the room (which he didn't need to say but still aww - Patrick's the type of guy that would never call any girl ugly, but still it's nice to hear) and that I had this independence about me and confidence but that he could tell it came from an inner deep-seated vulnerability. His ability to read me like that is quite uncanny.
And the other to say it was Jon. I kinda made him answer that question too because I had to for him, lol, and vulnerable me didn't want to be left hanging like that, lol. Just as a friend I wanted to know what he'd say and he said that he and I have always been able to talk about stuff, which is true, and that obviously I'm really nice and whatnot but that especially with the deeper stuff...he didn't really elaborate or complete his sentence but I know what he meant. We have that understanding, that connection. So I know what he meant.
So all in all we went from ridiculous Apples to Apples commentary to sweet heart-to-hearts and secrets telling (there was other stuff too) and funny dreams and just laughter and good times and we all just hung out until 3am and it was one of the best nights of the semester. It was so simple, but it meant so much. And it's 4am and I'm heading to bed tired and I have a crap load of stuff to do still but I really needed a night like this after the week I had and the stress and just everything. It just feels so amazing to hear things from your friends that you wouldn't get in normal conversation. To know that no matter what happens I've made these connections with people, feels good. It gives me hope. It makes me feel like everything is going to be ok and like everything is going to work itself out and that everything, all the noise, it's just life. And that the sweet moments, no matter how few and far between, they make it all worth it. Plus you know sometimes friends just bring you down, and it's really nice when they actually lift you up.
That's my kind of Truth or Dare.
Yes, I'm dying to breathe in these abundant skies...